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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Bob Phillips
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Default How do i analyse visible rows only in excel?

Hi Roger,

My Excel of choice is still 2000 (£ being my driver :-( ), and that only
goes up to 11, so I didn't know that. Thanks, I have learned something.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

"Roger Govier" wrote in message
Hi Bob

It will handle rows hidden, as opposed to filtered, if you substitute 103

for 3

=SUMPRODUCT((SUBTOTAL(103,OFFSET($B$1,ROW($B$2:$B$ 20)-ROW($B$1),,1)))*(C2:C2

This is a feature that is present in Xl2003, and maybe in XL2002(??)


Roger Govier

Bob Phillips wrote:
Hi Roger,

Problem is that it does handle filtered rows, but not rows hidden by

other method. I posted a solution that incorporated a UDF for that case

few days ago, which also handles the filtered data. Might just use that

my standard.