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Default .CSV file format - comma or semi-colon


I have an existing file that is in .csv file format. The comma ( , ) is used
to seperate the values. When I open the file in Excel, it works fine and
displays the values seperately in cells.

Now I am creating my own .csv files through VBA, with the SaveAs method for
Worksheet objects.
E.g. I use the following syntax:

objWS.SaveAs Filename:="c:\temp\" + gstrNameVP + ".csv",

The file saves as .csv BUT the values are seperated by a semi-colon( ; )
which is not what I want. I want comma-seperated. Otherwise when I open the
..csv in Excel, the values do not display correctly in the cells.
I cannot understand how the original file was saved using commas for
seperating the values.
When I create a file in Excel, and save it as .csv, it always uses
semi-colon seperators.

Can somebody please tell me how I can seperate the values by commas in the
..csv properly?
Thanks in advance and for paying attention to my post.
