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Default Mathematical explanations/equations for Excel functions in "Help"

Having taken statistics, finance, and accounting classes in college, I have
been required to use Excel every day. In class, a teacher will usually work
out a problem long-hand complete with the fully written-out algebra or
calculus equation as it appears in the textbook. After having worked a few
problems out a few times through in long-hand to gain a sound understanding
of the math involved, we are then introducted to the Excel function that
calculates the same results.

When for later classes, I go to revisit the original math equations
introducted in previous semesters and look up the accompanying Excel formula
shortcut in "Help", I have discovered that there are no mathematical formula
explanations in Excel "Help" for time-value-of-money, statistics problems,
and the like that show you exactly how the input values are manipulated to
generate the results Rather, "Help" presents Excel formulas as mysterious
"black boxes" that somehow turn inputs into a result without telling you how
it does it.

Could you disclose methematical explanations and equations in Excel "Help"
for the more complex Excel functions so those of us familiar with the
origianl equations can be sure to select the right Excel function for the
problem we're trying to solve?

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