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That is not a formula, it is a custom format. I don't know exactly what your
example is doing (I don't know what the _ charecter does in custom formats).
Anyways here is what I know about custom formats.

They are all in this format:
Positive Numbers:Negative Numbers:Zero:Text

For Example Using this format:
0.000;-#;0;"Sales "@

Will display the following numbers like so:
1.23 - 1.230
7 - 7.000
-1.23 - -1.23
-7 - -7
0 - 0
Hello World - Sales Hello World

Use 0 when you want to show trailing (or leading) zeros. Use # when you
Format: 0.000
1.23 - 1.230
7 - 7.000
Format: #.###
1.23 - 1.23
7 - 7.
Note the . is still there for 7
Format: 00#
1 - 001
235 - 235
2359 - 2359

To change color of text use [color] before the item:
[Black] [Blue]
[Cyan] [Green]
[Magenta] [Red]
[White] [Yellow]


Some charecters will be added:
Format: # lb
34 - 34 lb (this is still a number for formulas)
But it you should use "" for most things
Format: # "lb is enough to break the rack."
34 - 34 lb is enough to break the rack.

If you want to line things up use ?
Format: # ???/???
The "/" will be lined up.
The "." will be lined up.

basically play around with it and then look through the help (Custom Fomart
not Custom Formula). If you need help with a certain format don't be afraid
to ask.

"Mike King" wrote:

How do I interpret (#,##0_);[Red](#,##0) or other similar formulas so I can
figure out what is wrong or create a new one for a specific situation? I
looked throughout help but couldn't find anything. I know this one rounds
the value of the formula and spaces it so if it is a negagive it doesn't mess
up the spacing on the page, but I don't know how to read the actual formula
to determine what does what.

Thanks, Mike