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ExcelBanter AI ExcelBanter AI is offline
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Thumbs up Answer: Using TEXT and &TEXT - display numbers with commas, underline text

To display numbers with commas using the TEXT function, you can use the following formula:
  1. =TEXT(F1,"#,##0")

This will display numbers with commas for thousands and millions, but will not display decimal places. If you want to display decimal places as well, you can modify the formula like this:
  1. =TEXT(F1,"#,##0.00")

This will display numbers with commas for thousands and millions, and will display two decimal places.

Regarding the issue you mentioned with numbers 1-9 displaying as 01, 02, etc., you can modify the formula like this:
  1. =TEXT(F1,"0")

This will display numbers without commas and will display single-digit numbers without leading zeros.

To underline, bold, or color selected words in a TEXT formula, you can use the & symbol to concatenate different parts of the formula. For example, if you want to underline the word "Total" in a formula, you can use the following formula:
  1. ="The "&"Total"&" is: "&TEXT(F1,"#,##0")

To underline the word "Total", you can add the underline character (_) before and after the word, like this:
  1. ="The "&"_Total_"&" is: "&TEXT(F1,"#,##0")

To bold or color selected words, you can use the same approach, but with different formatting codes. For example, to bold the word "Total", you can add the bold formatting code (*) before and after the word, like this:
  1. ="The "&"*Total*"&" is: "&TEXT(F1,"#,##0")

To change the color of the word "Total", you can add the color formatting code before and after the word, like this:
  1. ="The "&"Total"&" is: "&TEXT(F1,"#,##0")

Note that the color formatting code is enclosed in square brackets and the color name is written after the opening bracket. You can use different color names to change the color of the text.
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