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Tqlebvng514 Tqlebvng514 is offline
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Originally Posted by Walter Briscoe View Post
I am using XL 2003. I have a need to run Internet Explorer for about 20k URLs. This is beyond the capacity of IE on my system. I use a 30 second watchdog timer to detect IE becoming unreasonably slow. Relevant code is: ' Needs Tools/References/Microsoft Internet Controls Public ie As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer Private killtime As Date Private Const killduration As String = "00:00:30" .... Private Sub kill_ie() Debug.Print now & " kill_ie() called" killtime = 0 Set ie = Nothing End Sub Public Function Wait4IEretry(ByVal operation As String) As Boolean .... On Error GoTo newie .... killtime = now + TimeValue(killduration) Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=killtime, Procedu="kill_ie", Schedule:=True Wait4IE operation Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=killtime, Procedu="kill_ie", Schedule:=False If False Then newie: If killtime <> 0 Then On Error Resume Next ' ontime may not be set Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=killtime, Procedu="kill_ie", Schedule:=False End If Set ie = Nothing Resume retry Stop retry: ' Stop Wait4IEretry = False Exit Function End If .... Wait4IEretry = True Exit Function ..... End Function So Wait4IEretry starts a 3o second watchdog timer on Wait4IE completing in 30 seconds. If 30 seconds elapses, kill_ie is called and ie is made nothing, causing Wait4IE to complete with an error and transfer control to label newie. I find "On Error Resume Next" ineffective against errors in Application.OnTime. I zero killtime in kill_ie so Application.OnTime is not called. If I hit escape to allow me to save my XL file, Application.OnTime is called and errors. Why is "On Error Resume Next" ineffective? If 30 seconds does not elapse, the timer is cancelled without problem. I can't work out how to make killduration a date. In the immediate debug window, I see ?#00:00:30# 00:00:30 ?timevalue("00:00:30") 00:00:30 In the debug code window, Private Const killduration As Date = #00:00:30# is transformed into Private Const killduration As Date = #12:00:30 AM# As an sside, many cells in my worksheet have a small triangle marking their upper left corner. I remember that as meaning there is some strangeness about the data in the marked cells. I just can't work out how to Google it. excel cell warning message is ineffective. excel cell triangle corner suggests a formula error and that a trace error button should appear - it does not - the cells contain values. Unsetting Tools/Options/Error checking/Number stored as text causes those triangles to vanish and I now know what the issue is. How to I get "Number stored as text" to appear as a warning? -- Walter Briscoe
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