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Ron Rosenfeld[_2_] Ron Rosenfeld[_2_] is offline
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Default leading zeros using ActiveCell.Offset().value to insert row and value

On Sun, 3 Mar 2013 07:14:10 +0000, TimLeonard wrote:

4. Any row on the CompareData sheet for which the MergedAddress does
not exist on the Summary sheet is a "Deletion"

4. This one is a little tricky or misleading. In one case the
PanelData/CompareData sheet could have a device not on the summary sheet
due to having to add additional devices in the field, which will
eventually be populated on the summary sheet but not until the as-built
of the drawings and update of the summary sheet. In another case the
field technician could delete more devices and the engineer expected and
thus the summary sheet would not reflect this. In this case it truly
would be a deletion that would need to be reflected on the summary
sheet... So it should have the option to update the summary sheet with
the differences found if possible

Hmmm. What you write leads me to believe I have been laboring under a fundamental incorrect assumption.

I have been assuming that, since you wrote that
PanelData was derived from data "exported from a field panel and only contains what is programmed in the panel",
We are generating CompareData from PanelData
We are generating Summary from CompareData
"Summary sheet in theory, should have all the programmed rows/cells populated the same as the CompareData"

that we could regenerate Summary at any time, retaining changes that had been made manually. (after reviewing for errors and so forth). So I would intend to generate a fresh Summary sheet (retaining the appropriate additions) whenever a new PanelData sheet was downloaded (and a new CompareData sheet generated).

In other words, I assumed it should never be the case, with a freshly generated Summary sheet, that there could be rows on CompareData/Panel Data which are "waiting" to be placed on the Summary sheet until the "as-built drawings".

The methodology also assumes that we will generate a fresh Summary sheet whenever PanelData is updated. That being the case, the concept of data on CompareData that is not on Summary representing deletions should hold.

Please clarify.