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TimLeonard TimLeonard is offline
Posts: 46

Just to be clear
If Device Type = 3
Merged Address = Znnn where nnn is the Device Address with three digits
you also want to have blank entries for the missing values in the range of 000-999

(So it would not be L00Z000 - L00Z999 but just Z000-Z999)
Correct… Just Z000-Z999
As designed, the code I have provided generates a CompareData sheet (named CompareData2) using the sheet PanelData. I have not got to the Summary sheet yet.
Is the entire summary sheet manually generated?
If so, how do you mitigate for data entry errors?
Yes at this point it is manually generated and there is no error check,
But since the "PanelData" is what is programmed in the field panel and the “Summary” sheet is manually imputed, I am sure there will be times when the two worksheets will differ concerning the same rows/cells….Now here is where it gets tricky to explain…The “Summary” sheet in theory, should have all the programmed rows/cells populated the same as the “CompareData” sheet Plus it should also have the additional device address information that have been used on all the drawings not yet installed and programmed into the field panels.
So I believe if it was to have something coded to verify if a loop was added or if label changes have been made in the field and then update the summary sheet with the changes it should only look at rows/cells that were populated on both worksheets and should not change / update any rows/cells that are only on the “Summary” Sheet that relate to the engineered devices that have not been installed or programmed in the field panel and does not match the “PanelData” sheet….

Another concern I have is what if the technician re-labels a
device/module or zone, how can we update the summary sheet with the
revised labels.
What process does the technician go thru in order to do this.
and if they were both greater than blank then overwrite the data
on the summary sheet in the same row/cells.

This specification needs clarification.
The technician programs the control panel out in the field (building) he then downloads the panel and it comes back to the office as an .mdb file. I then import that file as the “PanelData” worksheet. The concern is if changes come from the field I think we need a way to update or overwrite the manually imputed Summary sheet to keep it current… FYI the PanelData device labeling and zone labeling will always take precedence since it is what is programmed in the field, For example, the engineer may call a label “corridor 1650” but the technician may be required to program it “North Corridor 1650” and that will be what matters so the question was, how to update the “Summary sheet to reflect the what was actually programmed in the field panel…

In regards to the comment…[ Originally I planned to have code look at both sheets labels “if they were both greater than blank then overwrite the data on the summary sheet in the same row/cells.” ]
I was referring to the “DeviceLabels” and the “Extended Labels” columns of to both sheets, the “Summary” and the “CompareData” worksheets…This would have been the only way I would have known to do it….I am sure there are better ways to update the labels so I am opening the door to suggestions

There is one piece that was too complicated for me, that may prove easy
for you…On the “PanelData”column “K” there is values that correlate to
another worksheet that is imported named “DeviceType”. On that Sheet
“DeviceType” in Column “A” it has those same values and in Column ”E”
has the Device Type Labels that if possible, I would like to included on
Both the “Summary” and “CompareData2” Worksheets Column “J” (once they
both match column wise)

I don't know what you are trying to specify here. Column K on PanelData is marked, on my copy, TypeID with a notation it is to be removed to reduce file size. There is no data there.
But any column from PanelData can be included on CompareData. You just enlarge the vPD array to accomodate it. If you are adding data from other worksheets, you are going to need to be sure it matches up with the devices/zones that are already there.
I will attached another workbook that has all the “PanelData” columns populated and has the “DeviceType” worksheet…..
You said the following: “You just enlarge the vPD array to accomodate it. If you are adding data from other worksheets, you are going to need to be sure it matches up with the devices/zones that are already there.” …..I think it might be a little more complicated, “PanelData” Column K refers to a number the matches a number in the worksheet “DeviceType” column A and the label in column “E”..
To illustrate, sheet “PanelData” row 1020 column “K” has a value of 40, sheet “DeviceType” column “A” row 7 has the same value of 40 and column “E” has the label of “Smoke(Photo)”…This is what I would like to put on the sheet “CompareData2” row 1020 column “J”

Since the panel will max out with the (10) loop the node address will be
1 throughout the column..

I will modify the code to include the NodeAddress
Sorry but I revised the statement and I don’t think you caught that…
Since the panel will max out with the (10) loop for the NodeAddress, it will be "1" for the first (10) loops then it will be "2" for the next (10) loops and so up to 104 NodeAddresses. However most "PanelData" sheets will only contain 1 NodeAddress
Attached Files
File Type: zip (65.8 KB, 45 views)
File Type: zip (88.7 KB, 41 views)

Last edited by TimLeonard : February 12th 13 at 11:48 PM Reason: Added to comment