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Default Can I use TMP files to recover a deleted xls file?

On Friday, November 23, 2012 12:33:22 PM UTC-7, wrote:
On Wednesday, April 2, 2008 9:35:01 AM UTC-7, TShirtPrintUK wrote:

We had a disastrous accident and deleted an Excel file permanently. We still

have eleven TMP files though in the same folder (with names like RT

ORDERS.xls~RFefb0e6.TMP), and I've retrieved an old archived version of the

original .xls file with records up to March last year.

Is there some way of using the TMP files to restore the data from the

deleted version of the .xls file?

I just finished an audit of the last 3 years on my computer. It took me 2 weeks to complete! When done my computer was running slowly so I decided to back up my files on my other computer. I have about 5000 files to transfer. Of course I only have a 1gb memory stick to do this. Also of course my cd burner stops working. So I start copying a and pasting via mem stick. I start getting confused as to what has already been copied. Since I plan a format/re-install, I figure cut and pasting instead will save a ton of time and confusion as to what's already been copied. I get about half my data transferred and the hard drive in the other computer crashes and the computer won't even start with that drive plugged in. Well I have about 5GB of data lost due to the fact that cut and paste doesn't send files to the recycle bin. After a panic attack and resolving to spending the next 2 weeks rebuilding my spreadsheets I decide to do some research. I found a program Pandora Recovery. It found hundreds of deleted xls files but none were the final version of my ledger. I thought that I wish I had printed a copy on paper. Then Realized I might have for the IRS. Looking in my Tax folder I find a Paper copy. I'm so relieved all I have to do now is get an old copy and reconcile it with my paper copy. That will reduce a 2 week job to about 1-2 hrs.. I found an Ledger.xls~RF128e3d8.TMP file. I tried to rename it but excell says it's either corrupt or not a file excel can open as a spreadsheet. Maybe I will try some other recover software before working on converting the paper copy back to excel. BTW I believe these tmp files are created by excel as I have always seen them in my documents folder on every computer I have worked on. Most don't have antivirus and none are networked.

Just got a bright idea. from now on I will make a copy of my backup folder first. Then in the unlikely event this happens again it won't be such a disaster.