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David Billigmeier
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I'll use C14 cause that's the cell you use in your example:



"KR" wrote:

I just threw this together, but in the interests of learning more about
Excel, I'll ask if there is a better way. A co-worker had a whole list of
dates and he needed that date +30 months (so that the end day would be the
same as the start day, so it has to take into account the number of days per

What I came up with (works fine) was:

=CONCATENATE((IF(MOD(MONTH(C14)+35,12)=0,"12",MOD( MONTH(C14)+35,12))&"/"&DAY
((C14))&"/"&(YEAR(C14)+IF(MOD(MONTH(C14)+35,12)=0, -1,0)+TRUNC((MONTH(C14)+3

but it seems like there might be an easier way. I also tried:
=MOD((MONTH(C14)+35)+(YEAR(C14)*12),12)&"/" & DAY(C14)& "/" &
but when the end date was in December, it gave a month of zero, and added an
extra year.

So is there an easier way to tell Excel that you want to just add a certain
number of months to a date?

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