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jeff jeff is offline
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Posts: 48
Default create range name in the active cell

On Apr 16, 12:03*pm, Dave Peterson wrote:
Dim myRng as range
Application.Goto Reference:="DateColumn1"
set myrng = selection.end(xldown) = "TempGas1"

This is just a single cell, right?

You could use:
selection.end(xldown).name = "TempGas1"

But I like using a range variable -- just in case the range gets more complex
and I need to modify it.

jeff wrote:

I've tried using the recorder, but it gives the exact cell location. I
don't want that. I want the range name to be created where ever the
active cell might be.
Here's what I got when I used the recorder:

Application.Goto Reference:="DateColumn1"
* * Selection.End(xlDown).Select
* * Range("A22").Select
* * ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="TempGas1", RefersToR1C1:="='V 3'!

I don't want the part
RefersToR1C1:="='V 3'!R22C1"
in the coding, but it doesn't work without it. The way it shows above,
it goes to an exact cell location.

What I want in that last line is to name the range where ever the
active cell is.
Nothing else.
Can anyone help?


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Thanks Dave
I Googled it, and found another solution that also seems to work.

Application.Goto Reference:="DateColumn1"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="TempGas1", RefersTo:=ActiveCell

I guess I was trying to get it without the RefersTo part of the
statement. I didn't know you could just put ActiveCell in there.
Yes, this will only be 1 cell in the named range.
Your solution works, also.
I appreciate your help.