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Default IE Automation - checkbox

On Jan 5, 12:51*pm, Matthew Herbert

Well, this is more of a reply to myself, but I've listed the code below that
I'm currently using to get the description text for the checkbox. *I'll use
this unless there is a "better" way.



Private Sub ListCheckBoxDescriptionText()
Dim objIE As Object
Dim objTarget As Object
Dim Obj As Object
Dim strURL As String
Dim objDesc As Object
Dim strText As String

strURL = ""
Set objIE = GetIE(strURL)

If objIE Is Nothing Then
* * Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
* * objIE.Visible = True
* * objIE.Navigate strURL
* * WaitForLoad objIE
End If

Set objTarget = objIE.document.getElementsByName("p_columns[]")

For Each Obj In objTarget
* * Set objDesc = Obj.parentElement.parentElement
* * strText = GetFirstInnerText(objDesc.innerHTML)
* * Debug.Print strText
Next Obj

End Sub

Private Function GetFirstInnerText(strInnerHTML As String) As String
'INFO: * * * * *01/05/2010, Matthew Herbert
'PURPOSE: * * * Get the first available innerText from strInnerHTML..
' * * * * * * * Search for the "" and then the "<" and get the
' * * * * * * * text in the middle.
'strInnerHTML * A text string of the .innerHTML property.
'RETURN: * * * *- An empty string, i.e. "", if no innerText is found.
' * * * * * * * - The string between the "" and "<".
' * * * * * * * Intended to deal with at least the following 2
' * * * * * * * situations:
' * * * * * * * (1) <tr<td class=tdata152 Week High<...
' * * * * * * * (2) * * <td class=tdata152 Week High<...
Dim lngPosStart As Long
Dim lngPosEnd As Long
Dim strTemp As String

'initialize the position for the first time in the loop
' * in order to get the InStr function to behave correctly
lngPosStart = 1
lngPosEnd = lngPosStart

* * lngPosStart = InStr(lngPosEnd, strInnerHTML, "", vbTextCompare)
* * If lngPosStart = 0 Then
* * * * GetFirstInnerText = ""
* * * * Exit Function
* * End If

* * lngPosEnd = InStr(lngPosStart + 1, strInnerHTML, "<", vbTextCompare)
* * If lngPosEnd = 0 Then
* * * * GetFirstInnerText = ""
* * * * Exit Function
* * End If
Loop Until lngPosEnd lngPosStart + 1

'get the text in between the "" and "<"

'want the position after the ""
lngPosStart = lngPosStart + 1

'want the position before the "<"
lngPosEnd = lngPosEnd - 1

'guard against the following
If lngPosStart = lngPosEnd Then
* * GetFirstInnerText = ""
* * Exit Function
End If

strTemp = Mid(strInnerHTML, lngPosStart, lngPosEnd - lngPosStart)

'replace any "&" with ""
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "&", "")

'trim off any spaces
strTemp = Trim(strTemp)

GetFirstInnerText = strTemp

End Function

"Matthew Herbert" wrote:

As always, thank you for the help. *Yes, it was a matter of checking my own
spelling. *You have helped me in the past, and I appreciate the help now. *
When I do need to do IE automation, I usually end up doing an Advanced Search
for your posts. *However, I'm still far removed from truly knowing the "best"
way to do IE automation.

For example, I don't know the best way to get the checkbox description text.
*So, if you open the webpage you see the following:
52 Week High (Question Mark Picture) [checkbox] (for which the HTML can be
found in the chain). *

I can tell that the <tr tag is prior to "52 Week High" and that a <div tag
seems to be associated with the mouseover text. *In my code, the
".parentElement.parentElement.innerText" returns "52 Week High + the
mouseover text". *I simply want "52 Week High". *I found a previous post that
had code that I thought might be helpful:

retVal = o.Document.getElementById("member-jacket").rows[0].cells[0].innerText

However, I don't know if I'm thinking about this the right way, i.e. trying
to access the text of a specific row/cell. *(I'm also assuming that HTML
tables have rows, columns, and/or cells; however, I don't know how a
rows/columns delineation -- like in an Excel spreadsheet -- is different than
the rows[0].cells[0] shown above. *Logic tells me that rows[0].cells[0] is
the first row, first cell).

Do you have advice for getting the "52 Week High" portion of text? *(Right
now, it appears that the <div text is preceeded by a double space, but I
don't want to rely on using a double space as a way of separating the <tr
text from the <div text).



Set objTarget = objIE.document.getElementsByName("p_columns[]")

lngCnt = 0
For Each Obj In objTarget
* * Set objDesc = Obj.parentElement.parentElement

* * 'not sure what to do here to get the <tr text
* * strText = objDesc.innerText

"Tim Williams" wrote:


*'thought the following might work, but I get an error
*'Set objTarget = objIE.docmument.getElementsByName("p_columns[]")

Should work if you correct the typo *in "document" *;-)


"Matthew Herbert" wrote in

My question relates to the code listed in "ListCheckBoxes" below. *You
should be able to simply copy and paste all the VBA code below and run
"ListCheckBoxes" in order to follow the logic of my code.

I'm looking for a "better" way of obtaining the collection of web browser
checkbox controls for the following URL: a small
of the HTML is also below), so that I can check the desired check boxes
on the text description that lines up with the checkbox. *(See the website
for a visual representation).

My Desired Goal:
Since each checkbox has a description (e.g. "52 Week High", "Market Cap
(millions)", etc.), I plan on using the description as a way to identify
whether the checkbox should be checked. *The user will have a list of
descriptions in the spreadsheet. *The program will then loop through the
spreadsheet list, search the description text for a match (the
".parentElement.parentElement.innerText" portion below, which can be
with InStr to find a "match"), and check the checkbox if a match exists.

Again, I'm looking for a "better" way to do this. *My IE automation
knowledge is very limited, so I don't know if there is a way to get the
object collection via the class (i.e. "tdata1", and I don't know how or if
getting a collection from the class is possible), the name (i.e.
"p_columns[]"), the tag (i.e. "input"), etc. *Or, maybe there is simply a
better way than my current logic. *I'm open to suggestions and general
knowledge that may help me better understand IE automation. *(For example,
adding a reference to "Microsoft HTML Object Library", opening the Object
Browser, and then searching the HTML* classes a good way to
IE automation? *It's probably a loaded question that doesn't have a


Matthew Herbert


Private Sub ListCheckBoxes()
Dim objIE As Object
Dim objTarget As Object
Dim Obj As Object
Dim objArr() As Object
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim strURL As String

strURL = ""
Set objIE = GetIE(strURL)

If objIE Is Nothing Then
* *Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
* *objIE.Visible = True
* *objIE.Navigate strURL
* *WaitForLoad objIE
End If

Set objTarget = objIE.document.all.tags("input")

'thought the following might work, but I get an error
'Set objTarget = objIE.docmument.getElementsByName("p_columns[]")

For Each Obj In objTarget
* *If Obj.Type = "checkbox" Then
* * * *ReDim Preserve objArr(lngCnt)
* * * *Set objArr(lngCnt) = Obj
* * * *lngCnt = lngCnt + 1
* *End If
Next Obj

For lngCnt = LBound(objArr) To UBound(objArr)
* *Set Obj = objArr(lngCnt)
* *With Obj
* * * *'listed properties are some of what is viewable
* * * *' * from "View Source" and what is embedded in
* * * *' * the tag

* * * *'not sure how to list the "class" though
* * * *Debug.Print "lngCnt * * :" & lngCnt
* * * *Debug.Print " *Prnt.Prnt:" & .parentElement.parentElement.innerText
* * * *Debug.Print " *name * * :" & .Name
* * * *Debug.Print " *type * * :" & .Type
* * * *Debug.Print " *value * *:" & .Value
* * * *Debug.Print " *id * * * :" & .ID
* * * *Debug.Print " *innerHTML:" & .innerHTML
* * * *Debug.Print " *innerText:" & .innerText

* * * *'check the box
* * * *'.Checked = True
* *End With
Next lngCnt

End Sub

Function GetIE(strAddress As String) As Object
'INFO: * * *Original from Tim Williams
' * * * * * ??/??/2007, Matthew Herbert
Dim objShell As Object
Dim objShellWindows As Object
Dim Obj As Object
Dim objRes As Object
Dim strURL As String


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Hi Matt...I think something like the following will allow you to
capture the desired information...Ron

Sub ckbx()
' Open IE to the desired webpage
strURL = "

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Visible = True
.Navigate strURL
.Top = 50
.Left = 530
.Height = 400
.Width = 400
End With

' Loop until the page is fully loaded
Do Until Not IE.Busy And IE.ReadyState = 4

' Get the checkbox descriptions; the first 9 elements
' in objTarget represent the checkboxes of interest
Set objTarget = IE.document.getElementsByName("p_columns[]")

For x = 1 To 9
Set objDesc = objTarget(x).parentElement.parentElement
mytext = objDesc.innertext
mytext = Left(mytext, InStr(1, mytext, " ", vbTextCompare))
' Do something here to store this information
End Sub