Thread: Print Preview
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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
Eddie_SP[_2_] Eddie_SP[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 47
Default Print Preview

Hi JLGWhiz !

The purpose is to see the final document already filled out.
It's a standard document. So at the end, after giving all the data, I want
to have a preview of what the user have done, if it's "ok" press button
"Print", if it's not "ok" press button "Correct document".

But always my UserForm will be on Top.


"JLGWhiz" wrote:

You have me confused. If you do not want the sheet displayed, why do you
call print preview? What is the purpose of calling print preview at that

"Eddie_SP" wrote in message
My UserForm takes the whole screen. I have many CommandButtons, and one of
them is "Print Preview".

I don't want the user to see the sheet (it's an "auto_open"), all controls
will be done by using the UserForm.

I have this:

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

But it's not working. It freezes Excel, and all I have to do is Ctrl + Alt

Can some help me? I tried searching the past topics, but none of them
helped me.