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Rich Rich is offline
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Posts: 298
Default Creating a collection of visible worksheets

Great! Thanks, guys!!
Being a bit of a rookie at this level of programming, I wanted to make sure
I was not taking the scenic path to the end result instead of the direct path.

Thanks for the replies!

"Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

Can it be done... Absolutely. Should it be done... Probably not. Unless you
need to itterate through these sheets a whole pile of times or other
procedures need to use these same sheets then there will be more overhead in
creating the collection than there is in your existing code.

Jim Thomlinson

"Rich" wrote:

I need to search for data contained on certain worksheets. My current method
is this:

dim wks as worksheet
For Each wks in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
if like "Data (*)" and wks.visible = xlSheetVisible
***now I collect my data***

My question is....
I have quite a few pages (15 to 18 min...maybe more) that are hidden, but I
have to cycle thru them because they are part of "ThisWorkbook". Although
this really does not take much time, I'd like to have a cleaner way. Is
there a simple way of creating a collection of only the VISIBLE worksheets in
the ThisWorkbook - thus reducing the number of worksheets I need to iterate
thru in the "For Each" loop??

Taking it a step further....creating a collection of visible worksheets
whose name matches the criteria I define??
