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Paul Paul is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 661
Default No clue whatsoever, so thought I'd ask the experts

It's worked brilliantly so far Gary...I'm sure there are going to be
additional information I would like to add but as a starter for 10 that is
spot on for me

Muchas Grasias

"Gary''s Student" wrote:

You are right on track.

1. increase the Dim to match the number of questions
2. continue to enter the questions as in the sample
3. increase the limit in the For statement

To change the columns being used to store the Q/A we need to change the
Cells statements

For example:

Cells(j, 1).Value = s(i)

is really the same as:

Cells(j, "A").Value = s(i)

In fact, many programmers prefer using the second form.

If you run into difficulties, just update this post.

Gary''s Student - gsnu2007L

"Paul" wrote:

STUNNING looks so to continue the question and answer
to say 60 which bits would I need to add/change on your program?

Would you add s (4), s (5)....up to s (60) etc for as many questions as you

Would the 2 in For i = 2 change too, to For i = 60?

And, if I wanted to change the Cell position to say C2 and D4 for the
question and answer, which bit would I change?

Apologies, but I know nothing about VBA

But thank you for your help, it's much appreciated


"Gary''s Student" wrote:

How about:

Sub AskMeNoQuestions()
Dim s(3)
s(0) = "What is the meaning of life?"
s(1) = "How many neutrinos are there in the universe?"
s(2) = "Why are the key pads on phones and computer keyboards different?"
For i = o To 2
x = Application.InputBox(prompt:=s(i), Type:=2)
j = i + 1
Cells(j, 1).Value = s(i)
Cells(j, 2).Value = x
End Sub
Gary''s Student - gsnu200829

"Paul" wrote:

Many years ago a colleague of mine created a program (or I think it was some
sort of VBA?) when I opened Excel (or Word) where a window would pop up,
asking me a question, to which I woudl type the data/answer. After all the
questions were answered, the program finished, then it put the data into
specific cells/tables...I found it fascinating but never knew how it was done.

I have a spreadsheet with a column of data, which is generally a title of a
topic or a question. To the right of the data is the answer to the left

Simply put, if I had : -

Cell A1 as "What is your name", then Cell B1 would be "Paul"
Cell A2 as "Where do you live", then Cell B2 would be "England"

...etc, etc until all my Cells/Lines are complete.

Now...what I would like to do is use a "looping" program (if there is such
thing) to prompt a window to pop up (like a Userform) with a Label "What is
your Name" and a Text Box so I can type the answer "Paul".

I then want this to loop over and over again, so maybe a "Next" Command
Button needs to be there (and maybe, Previous, Close etc), this then prompts
the next question "Where do you live", which will input the data "England" on
the next line and so on and so on.

How would this be done?

Hope I've explained it OK. Hope you can help
