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Chris Chris is offline
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Default Splitting Data to new workbooks

I regularly need to split a report held in a single worksheet into new
separate workbooks and I use the code below which I have modified from
one I found on the exceltips website.

My problem is I ofen need to split by a column other than A.

For example columns A-C would be "Business", "Region", "Team" and I need
a new workbook for each "Team" to send out to the relevant manager.

Currently I just move column C (Team) to before column A then run the
macro which works fine but I would rather have a macro that would be
more generic and allow me to specify the column to split by.

I know I have the basics there and have managed to add in various extra
checks and options and I am coming close to the macro I need but I have
come to the limit of my knowledge.

Could any of you experts out there please help me. TIA

Sub SplitDataToNewWorkbooks()

Dim LMainWB As String ' Name of the workbook that contains the data
Dim LNewWB As String ' Name of new workbook that will contain the
copied data
Dim LRow As Integer
Dim LContinue As Boolean

Dim LCol As String
Dim LColAMaster As String
Dim LColATest As String

Dim LWBCount As Integer
Dim LMsg As String

Dim LPath As String 'File path whre new files are created
Dim LFilename As String 'Name of new file
Dim LPrefix As String ' Optional Prefix to prepend to new filename
Dim LSuffix As String ' Optional Suffix to append to new filename

Dim LColAValue As String

Dim LCopyCount As Integer

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Input criteria for splitting

'Path to save all new workbooks to
LPath = InputBox("Enter the folder to save new workbooks to followed
by a \" & Chr(10) & _
"eg H:\USER\", "Save Directory")

'Check for no path entered
If LPath = "" Then
MsgBox ("No path entered. Exiting macro")
Exit Sub
End If

'Check if directory exists
If Not (FileFolderExists(LPath)) Then
MsgBox "Folder " & LPath & " does not exist!" & Chr(10) _
& "Please create folder then re-run macro"
Exit Sub
End If

'Check path ends with a \ else add
If Right(LPath, 1) < "\" Then
LPath = LPath & "\"
End If

'Add optional prefix to filename
LPrefix = InputBox("Enter optional prefix for filename..." & Chr(10)
& _
"Leave Empty if not required" & Chr(10) & _
"A space will automatically be added after any prefix entered",
"Optional Prefix")
If LPrefix < "" Then LPrefix = LPrefix & " "

'Add optional Suffix to filename
LSuffix = InputBox("Enter optional suffix for filename..." & Chr(10)
& _
"Leave Empty if not required" & Chr(10) & _
"A space will automatically be added before any prefix entered",
"Optional Suffix")
If LSuffix < "" Then LSuffix = " " & LSuffix

'Column to split by
LCol = InputBox("Enter letter of column to split by...", "Column to
split by")

'Retrieve name of the workbook that contains the data
LMainWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'Initialize variables
LContinue = True
LRow = 2
LWBCount = 0

'Start comparing with cell A2
LColAMaster = CStr(LCol) & "2"

'Loop through all column to be sorted by values until a blank cell
is found
While LContinue = True

LRow = LRow + 1
LColATest = LCol & CStr(LRow)

'Found a blank cell, do not continue
If Len(Range(LColATest).Value) = 0 Then
LContinue = False
End If

'Value in column to be sorted by
LColAValue = Range(LColAMaster).Value

'Found occurrence that did not match, copy data to new workbook
If LColAValue < Range(LColATest).Value Then

'Copy headings

'Add new workbook and paste headings into new workbook
LNewWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'Copy data from columns A - IV
Range(LColAMaster & ":IV" & CStr(LRow - 1)).Select

'Paste results

'Save workbook with name from column A plus any
Prefix/Suffix and then close workbook
LFilename = LPath & LPrefix & LColAValue & LSuffix & ".xls"
'If Dir(LFilename) < "" Then Kill LFilename

'Check if filename exists and rename new file
LCopyCount = 1
While (FileFolderExists(LFilename))
LFilename = LPath & LPrefix & LColAValue & LSuffix &
"-" & LCopyCount & ".xls"
LCopyCount = LCopyCount + 1

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=LFilename

'Go back to Main sheet and continue where left off
LColAMaster = LCol & CStr(LRow)

'Keep track of the number of workbooks that have been
LWBCount = LWBCount + 1

End If


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.CutCopyMode = False

LMsg = "Copy has completed. " & LWBCount & " new workbooks have been
LMsg = LMsg & Chr(10) & "You can find them in the following
directory:" & Chr(10) & LPath

MsgBox LMsg

End Sub

Public Function FileFolderExists(strFullPath As String) As Boolean
'Check if a file or folder exists

If Not Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
FileFolderExists = True

End Function