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Keith G Hicks
Posts: n/a

Thanks for the shift to get "Close All" thing I didn't know about that. But
as far as the smaller 'x' I do know that. I mentioned it below "the same is
true when I close from the upper right close button in the Excel window
rather than from the upper rigth close button for the current workbook," I
just didn't call it a "smaller x". In Word you can use the larger X or the
smaller x and it only closes the current document regardless. I'd just like
them to be consistent. I use Word a lot more than I use Excel so it's a
habit to use the larger X.

"Richard Neville" wrote in message
Have you tried another method of closing individual files, such as clicking
the smaller x button in the upper right corner of the screen? The only
circumstance under which Excel should close all open files is when you hold
down the Shift key and choose Close from the File menu. "Close" will change
to "Close All."

"Keith G Hicks" wrote in message
I have Excel (2003) set up (running in Win2kpro) so that if multiple files
are open then I see each one individually in the task bar. This is what I
want. However, unlike Word, when I close one Excel file in the task bar
right clicking it and choosing the "close" option), ALL the excel files
close presumably indicating that I only have 1 instance of Excel running.
When I close 1 word doc only that one closes, not all of them. This is
frustrating if I have 3 or 4 files open and they're all currently saved.
They all close at once. I don't want that to happen. I only want the one
that I close to close. Is this just another annoying inconsistency between
office tools or is there a setting that will let me alter this behavior?
(the same is true when I close from the upper right close button in the
Excel window rather than from the upper rigth close button for the current
workbook - but again, word does not behave this way)

