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Finance Guru Finance Guru is offline
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Posts: 83
Default How can I prevent #NA in Lookup

Hi Joel - Thanks for a FAST response.
I don't quite undestand the the reason for the second Vllookup() , or what
should go into the quotes.

My VLOOKUP() looks like this - VLOOKUP(A1,sheet4!A1:c300,2,0). Am i not
able to adapt this in some way,to display a blank cell wher the criteria is
not met.

I hope you can help.
Thanks again

"Joel" wrote:


"Finance Guru" wrote:

Can someone please advise me ; if VLOOKUP( ) doesn't find the result in the
formula,the the cell shows #NA. How can I get a cell to be blank,if the
value isn't found.

I have only just started using VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP,so any help would be
greatfully accepted. Thanks