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Harlan Grove
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"Jim Cone" wrote...
I quickly ran three speed tests using Timer on
l00,000 loops on the string provide by Francis..
For five trials the average time was

Function Foo: 0.92 seconds
Function LastPosition: 0.83 seconds
Function RevInStr: 0.65 seconds (using 99 as lngStart)


Not my results.

Redirecting the output of the console command

dir c:\ /s/b

to a text file and loading that text file into Excel 2000 without parsing, I
used the first 40,000 filenames and iterated over them 10 times, so 400,000
calls for each function.

Here are my results. For me, foo is much faster than LastPosition.

foo 10.028
foo2 8.022
LastPosition 34.094
RevInStr 6.017
InStrRev 1.003
findrev 1.003

And here's my testing module.

Sub testem()
Const MAXITER As Long = 10, NUMROWS As Long = 40000

Dim r As Range
Dim s() As String, p() As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim dt As Date, et As Date

On Error GoTo ExitProc
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Resize(NUMROWS, 1)

ReDim s(1 To NUMROWS)
ReDim p(1 To NUMROWS, 1 To 1)

For i = 1 To NUMROWS
s(i) = r.Cells(i, 1).Value
Next i

Debug.Print String(30, "-")

dt = Now
For i = 1 To MAXITER
For j = 1 To NUMROWS
p(j, 1) = foo(s(j), "\")
Next j
Next i
et = Now - dt
Debug.Print Format(et * 86640#, """foo ""0.000")

r.Offset(0, 2).Value = p

Erase p
ReDim p(1 To NUMROWS, 1 To 1)

dt = Now
For i = 1 To MAXITER
For j = 1 To NUMROWS
p(j, 1) = foo2(s(j), "\")
Next j
Next i
et = Now - dt
Debug.Print Format(et * 86640#, """foo2 "" 0.000")

r.Offset(0, 4).Value = p

Erase p
ReDim p(1 To NUMROWS, 1 To 1)

dt = Now
For i = 1 To MAXITER
For j = 1 To NUMROWS
p(j, 1) = LastPosition(s(j), "\")
Next j
Next i
et = Now - dt
Debug.Print Format(et * 86640#, """LastPosition ""0.000")

r.Offset(0, 6).Value = p

Erase p
ReDim p(1 To NUMROWS, 1 To 1)

dt = Now
For i = 1 To MAXITER
For j = 1 To NUMROWS
p(j, 1) = RevInStr(s(j), "\", 0)
Next j
Next i
et = Now - dt
Debug.Print Format(et * 86640#, """RevInStr "" 0.000")

r.Offset(0, 8).Value = p

Erase p
ReDim p(1 To NUMROWS, 1 To 1)

dt = Now
For i = 1 To MAXITER
For j = 1 To NUMROWS
p(j, 1) = InStrRev(s(j), "\")
Next j
Next i
et = Now - dt
Debug.Print Format(et * 86640#, """InStrRev "" 0.000")

r.Offset(0, 10).Value = p

Erase p
ReDim p(1 To NUMROWS, 1 To 1)

dt = Now
For i = 1 To MAXITER
For j = 1 To NUMROWS
p(j, 1) = findrev("\", s(j))
Next j
Next i
et = Now - dt
Debug.Print Format(et * 86640#, """findrev "" 0.000")

r.Offset(0, 12).Value = p

Debug.Print String(30, "=")

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub

Function foo(s As String, ss As String) As Long
Dim k As Long, n As Long

k = Len(ss)
n = InStr(1, s, ss)

If n 0 Then
foo = Len(s) - k

foo = foo - 1
Loop Until Mid(s, foo, k) = ss Or foo <= n
foo = n

End If

End Function

Function foo2(s As String, ss As String) As Long
Dim k As Long, n As Long, p As Long

k = Len(ss)
n = Len(s) - k + 1

For p = n To 0 Step -1
If p 0 Then If Mid(s, p, k) = ss Then Exit For
Next p

foo2 = p
End Function

Function LastPosition( _
ByRef strInput As String, _
ByRef strChars As String _
) As Long
'Jim Cone - San Francisco - Sep 18, 2003
'ByVal allows variants to be used for the string variables
On Error GoTo WrongPosition
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim lngLength As Long

lngPos = 1
lngLength = Len(strChars)

lngPos = InStr(lngPos, strInput, strChars, vbTextCompare)
If lngPos Then
lngCnt = lngPos
lngPos = lngPos + lngLength
End If
Loop While lngPos 0
LastPosition = lngCnt
Exit Function

LastPosition = 0
End Function

' Searches for a character, but starting at the end of the string.
' strString is the string you want to search in
' strChar is the character or string of characters you want to search for
' lngStart is the position in TheString you want to start the search at.
Function RevInStr( _
ByRef strString As String, _
ByRef strChar As String, _
ByVal lngStart As Long _
) As Long

Dim lngNdx As Long
Dim lngLength As Long

lngLength = Len(strChar)
'If strChar length 1 this reduces number of loops required
If lngStart <= 0 Or lngStart Len(strString) Then _
lngStart = Len(strString) - lngLength + 1

For lngNdx = lngStart To 1 Step -1
If Mid$(strString, lngNdx, lngLength) = strChar Then
RevInStr = lngNdx - 1
'or (lngNdx + lngLength) depending on which section
'you want
Exit For
End If
Next 'lngNdx
' In case nothing found or In case position found was 1 which
' would return 0.
If RevInStr = 0 Then RevInStr = 1
End Function

Function findrev(ss As String, s As String) As Long
findrev = InStrRev(s, ss)
End Function

Your RevInStr returns 1 less than all the other functions. I haven't
explored what might be needed to have it return the same values when there
are matches and 0 when there aren't. Returning 1 for both no match at all
and the only match at the beginning of strString is bad programming.

However, given the times for direct InStrRev and findrev, a simple wrapper
around InStrRev, I'll strengthen with my original statement to this: anyone
with VBA6 would a fool not to use VBA6's InStrRev.