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Bob Phillips
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Remove the autocorrect entry.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

"Matthew S" wrote in message
Thank you all for your responses. I learned something from each, but not
exactly what I was hoping to learn. I'm very new at this approach to
learning. I'm sure, now, that my question was too vague.

I'll try it again with more detail.

In my studies, I came across a dialog box that seemed to set things up so
that if you type in a C in parentheses, a circled C is what is displayed.

couldn't relocate the page so I thought I'd ask the community.

If I type a (C) in a cell, Excel displays © instead. This is true whether

or lc C is used. However, if I type (B) or (A) in a cell, Excel displays

or (A).

What would have to be changed to get (C) to display when that is what I

in the cell?

"Matthew S" wrote:

What is the option / tool that makes a (C) show as a circled C?