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JE McGimpsey JE McGimpsey is offline
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Default Worksheet level password protection

Internal protection is so easily bypassed that I would never recommend
it unless it's simply for convenience (e.g., to keep users from
accidentally changing formulae).

Various suggestions can be found in the archives of this group for
providing protection using macros, but that becomes very difficult in a
shared environment, and the macros themselves are easily bypassed.

You could use multiple workbooks (one or more for each individual) with
separate passwords, which are somewhat more secure, though even they can
be broken in a few seconds. However, you could set file permissions to
restrict access.

In article ,
Liz wrote:

I have an Excel workbook with 20 worksheets in it. We would like to make the
workbook available on a network drive and restrict access, by user, to
individual worksheets. Is there a way to place password protection not just
on the workbook itself but on the individual sheets? There would be separate
passwords per sheet. If this is not possible, does anyone have ideas of what
might work instead?