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John Coleman John Coleman is offline
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Posts: 274
Default why stepping thru works differently module vs. worksheet

Thanks for the info. As usual, your answer goes beyond guess work. It
seems strange that "break on all unhandled errors" doesn't, in fact,
break on all unhandled errors. Is there any thing to watch out for if
you leave "Break on Class Module" as the default?

On Feb 13, 12:01 pm, "Tom Ogilvy" wrote:
What are your options in tools=Options in the VBE under the general tab.

Under Error trapping, try clicking "Break in Class Module" rather than
"Break on Unhandled errors"

Tom Ogilvy

"Susan" wrote in message

when i step thru a code in a module, & it runs into an error, it lets
me choose a button "Debug." then i can go into the code & try several
different things without exiting the code (helpful for a learn-as-you-
go person such as myself).
however, when i step thru a code for an option button_click in a
worksheet, & it runs into an error, it completely kicks me out & won't
let me debug (just get buttons "OK" & "Help"; no "Debug").
neither code has error handling in it (mea culpa).
why is this?
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