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scott d scott d is offline
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Posts: 5
Default dividing an replacing spaces in string

I knew regular expressions would help in this.
This was exactly what I needed.
I have this run through almost 30 columns of data and it is perfect.
thanks so much


On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:47:37 -0800, scott d <please no email wrote:

You guys always steer me right.

How can I do this?
I am showing spaces as ~
Everything is in a single cell.
I don't need to do anything with the small groups of spaces 1-3 are
I need a Line break replacing the larger qtys. However they always
vary in length.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~111.51~AD~D/SI~ EMO~~~~~~~~~~~1.20~MX~L/TS~ GHL~

So generally I need, when there is a large span of spaces to convert
each group to a vbLf.

This newly delimited string will dump into separate rows like this

2.31 QN C/AS4 GAW
1.03 FW J/VVS13 NEA
40.04 HP F/VVS2 MHA
111.51 AD D/SI EMO
1.20 MX L/TS GHL

Any ideas?
Thanks as always

This should get you started. It parses the string in A1 into separate strings
using Regular Expressions. It allows 1-3 sequential spaces, but anything more
than that gets "split". This behavior is controlled by the Regular Expression
in the constant Pattern.

As written, it prints the string in [A1] split up into the immediate window,
but should be easily modifiable to meet your specifications.

================================================= ====
Option Explicit

Sub SplitLongSpaces()
Dim objRe As Object
Dim colMatches As Object
Const Pattern As String = "(\S+\s{1,3})+"
Dim str As String
Dim i As Long

Set objRe = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objRe.Global = True
objRe.Pattern = Pattern

str = [a1].Text & " "

If objRe.test(str) = True Then
Set colMatches = objRe.Execute(str)
For i = 0 To colMatches.Count - 1
Debug.Print Trim(colMatches(i))
Next i
End If

End Sub