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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
bergjes bergjes is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Change row height

Thanks John,

works great!!!!

Just a little remark, your macro left out the last row with data.
But hé, it works for me, thanks again.


John Bundy schreef:

Forgot to mention that this formats the entire page, if you just want to go
until there is no more data change the column that contains the data and the
line given to xlUp like this
Do Until myrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
-John Northwest11
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"bergjes" wrote:

I'm a newbie with excel programming, but can somebody help me with the

I have a rather large worksheet from wich I have to change the row
height to 15, but only the rows that have a height of 13.75.

Is there anyway I can do that with a macro or vsb?
