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mmc308 mmc308 is offline
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Posts: 19
Default Close Workbook If user disables macro's


Not sure where you are coming from with the "Free Trial", just trying to
stop users entering data on to sheets where the date has passt, thanks for
letting me know that I cannot disable the macro service, Bob Phillips has
given me a good train of thought

Thanks Michael

"Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

If the user disables macros, then there is nothing you can do. There is no
setting that does what you ask. In fact, a medium setting prompts the user
to disable macros.

Sounds like you have some type of free trial setup. You are just kidding
yourself if you think you can enforce this from within excel.

Tom Ogilvy

"mmc308" wrote in message
I am currently looking for a way to close a workbook if the user has a
security setting than meduim or the user chooses to disable macro's

The reason for this I have a macro in the work book that checks for a data
and lock the worksheet if the date has passed, however if they disable the
macro's they can work on this worksheet

Any idea would be appreciated