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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
WhytheQ WhytheQ is offline
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Posts: 246
Default Desperately Seeking FirstCell Find !

"LookIn:=xlFormulas" seems to work better


On Oct 23, 1:13 pm, "Don Guillett" wrote:
why not just use MATCH to find the 1 and incorporate into an INDEX formula

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
"Goofy" wrote in .. .

I am trying to search in the fist column of a range using the following
code. The problem is that the first item is never searched as it allways
starts 'AFTER' the top left hand cell, so I have a column of numbers 1 to
16 and I want to find 1, it starts at cell 2 and therfore never find the 1

Any Ideas ???

Public Function lookupRange(ByVal rangeName As Range, key As Variant, col
As Presets) As Variant

On Error Resume Next

Dim mr As Range

Set mr = rangeName.Find(what:=key, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole,
SearchDirection:=xlNext, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns)
lookupRange = mr.Offset(0, col)

End Function- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -