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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
DaBeef DaBeef is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Quite a complicated problem

The reason for the last sheet needing to be replaced is that it doesn't
contain any graphs and the number and size of the tables can change each
month, so it's much easier just to overwrite it. With the other pages, the
tables would be standard and graphs would be required, so it is better to
overwrite individual cells. The reason I need a separate master file for each
supplier is that people want to be able to add information to the spreadsheet
outside of the tables, such as rebate information and various other discounts.
And this information needs to be kept intact throughout the year. If the
table was regenerated from a single template, this information would be lost,
besides which, as I'm forced to keep a separate book for each supplier, it's
more sensible to just use each supplier's work book and overwrite the
necessary cells.

Thanks for your feedback, it's much appreciated.


tony h wrote:
In trying to give you an answer the biggest problem is a lack o

Your proposal of having a proforma workbook preformatted with graphs i
a good one - something I use regularly. Although I am not sure why yo
would need one for each supplier. Logic suggests one generic ne for al
suppliers and then customize it on the fly.

so ...

for each supplier
copy proforma workbook to supplier_name.xls
open suppliername.xls

update supplier data

update tables etc

The tables should be easy enough but might (depending on how you do it
need the data ranges on the graphs changing.

I don't understand why "the last sheet would need replacing in it
entirity" this seems like a bad idea resulting from a lack o
imagination. But it might be the right thing to do.
