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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
Tom Ogilvy Tom Ogilvy is offline
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Default Indirect Referencing in a Macro

What you have should work if D73 contains something like F21 and C72
contains something like F35

if not, what do they contain?

Tom Ogilvy

"Jerry Wayland" <Jerry wrote in message
I am trying to copy some data from one worksheet to another so I can work
with it, but need to indirect reference the range. Cell D73 has starting

cell reference and C72 has ending date cell reference so would like to use
their contents for my Range reference. You can see I have tried using & to
build the reference. I know that Range(Range("D73").Value works for a

cell but need to reference more than one cell?

After I get the Range problem worked out will work on Offseting it so it
covers the area I need. Just Stuck for now.

Worksheets("06 PLATER 1 JAN-JUNE").Range(& Range("D73").Value &":" &
Range("C72").Value).Copy _