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Gordon Rainsford[_3_] Gordon Rainsford[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 26
Default Learning VBA online for Excel

One book I'd highly recommend for your situation is "Excel VBA in Easy
Steps". It's easy to read, and will get you to the point where you can
usefully progress using Help and this newsgroup.

Gordon Rainsford

London UK

gandhi318 wrote:

I wish all the members a happy and prosperous new year

I am 54 years. Started working on computers since 1990 or so startingwith

Word Star and Lotus. Switched over to MS Office from 1997converting or
using Lotus files from Excel. Now I am extensively usingExcel for all
my office work Salaries, Income Tax, Provident Fund,Monthly and Annual
Accounting. I am better in using all the Menus andtake their benefits
including use of functions. I am able to recordsimple macros for the
repetitive tasks, assign them to self-createdtool bar, menus, sub-menus
(controls) and key board letters with Ctrl+ keys but cannot write macros
myself as I do not have the knowledge ofVB. I want to learn more abouot
VB and programming in Excel. Can Ilearn on-line easy-way without
academically learning through big books.Please suggest easy way to learn
VB and preparing macros which wouldeasy my office work and I can put all
my work in a programme/softwarestyle.


Gandhi-- gandhi318Posted from -