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Jim Thomlinson
Posts: n/a

You are a little vague with exacty what you want to do with the found cells.
That being said here is some code that selects the cells containing the text
you input. To run this select the range (row, column, range or entire sheet)
that you want to search. Run the code. It will ask you to input the text to
search for. It will then select the cells containing that text.

Public Sub FindTextItems()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Dim rngFirst As Range
Dim rngConsolidated As Range
Dim rngToSearch As Range
Dim strToFind As String

strToFind = InputBox("Please enter the text to search for.", "Find Text")

Set wks = ActiveSheet
Set rngToSearch = Intersect(Selection, wks.UsedRange)
Set rngCurrent = rngToSearch.Find(strToFind)

If rngCurrent Is Nothing Then
MsgBox strToFind & " was not found in the selected area.", _
vbOKOnly, "Not Found"
Set rngConsolidated = rngCurrent
Set rngFirst = rngCurrent
Set rngConsolidated = Union(rngCurrent, rngConsolidated)
Set rngCurrent = rngToSearch.FindNext(rngCurrent)
Loop Until rngCurrent.Address = rngFirst.Address
End If
End Sub


Jim Thomlinson

"williejoeshaver" wrote:

Have a huge spreadsheet with cells populated with lots of text. Would like
to isolate or highlight rows containing a single term, e.g., "aspirin" with
one click or function as opposed to doing a find command and hitting
everything one at a time. Any suggestions? Thanks.