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David McRitchie
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I guess you mean only shows the cell references *within* the formula,

If you had used defined names in the formula you would have seen those defined names in the formula..
If you had cell addresses in the formula you would see those cell addresses.

If you are trying go get an address changed to a defined name that is impossible,
because you could have a lot of different name that include a single cell.

Show FORMULA or FORMAT of another cell

"srinivasan" wrote in message news:1EBC6DD2-5BA1-49E3-969F-
Continuation of my query, I have another one. Even though the code
perfectly reproduces the formula contained in the cell it only shows the cell
reference of the formula. But I have given a name for the cell and the said
name is not displayed but the cell reference (row & col no) only has been
displayed. Is it possible to amend the formula /code to make it display the
exact contents of the formula (name given to the cell) rather than the cell
reference wherever the formula contains names. i.e instead of =L122*L119/1000
the formula should show -26.93*_36347/1000

range address?

Third, according the XL VBA help, NoteText returns at the most 255
characters at a time. It is the developer's responsibility to loop and
(re)create the complete note.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

In article .com,
I've a workbook containing this function. Download my
Excel_Calendar.xls from:

I've named it ShowFormula:

In the same manner I've made a function showing the note in a Cell

The Functions
Public Function ShowFormula(ByRef rngCell As Range) As String
'************************************************* *****************************
' Macro ShowFormula created 2004-08-13 by Nikolai Sandved
' Description: This Function returns the Formula in the input Cell
rngCell as
' text
' Input:
' rngCell - A cell
' Output
' RankStatistical - Formula in the input Cell rngCell as text
'************************************************* *****************************

'** Error Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle

ShowFormula = rngCell.Formula

Exit Function

'** Set the return error objects
MsgBox ("Error code:" & CStr(Err) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Further Description: " & Error$ & Chr(13) _
& "In Custom function ShowFormula")
End Function

Public Function NoteShow(ByRef rngCell As Range) As String
'************************************************* *****************************
' Macro NoteShow created 2004-06-21 by Nikolai Sandved )
' Description: This Function returns the Note in the input Cell rngCell
' Input:
' rngCell - A cell Range
' Output
' ShowNote - Returns the Note as text from the Cell reference given
'************************************************* *****************************

'** Error Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle

'** Define variables
Dim wbm As Workbook 'The active workbook
Dim wsWithNote As Worksheet 'The worksheet with the Note
Dim strWorkbookName As String 'The Workbook with the Note

'** Declare variables
strWorkbookName = Mid(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), _
InStr(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), "[") + 1, _
InStrRev(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), "]") - _
InStr(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), "[") - 1)
Set wbm = Workbooks(strWorkbookName)
Set wsWithNote = wbm.Sheets(rngCell.Worksheet.Name)

NoteShow =
Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(wsWithNote.Ran ge(rngCell.Address).NoteText)

Set wsWithNote = Nothing
Set wbm = Nothing

Exit Function

'** Set the return error objects
MsgBox ("Error code:" & CStr(Err) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Further Description: " & Error$ & Chr(13) _
& "In Custom function NoteShow")

Set wsWithNote = Nothing
Set wbm = Nothing

End Function