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"Tushar Mehta" wrote:

A few comments on the NoteShow function.

First, Notes are superseded by Comments.

Second, is there a reason why you just don't have rngCell.NoteText
rather than all the gyrations regarding workbook and worksheet and

Continuation of my query, I have another one. Even though the code
perfectly reproduces the formula contained in the cell it only shows the cell
reference of the formula. But I have given a name for the cell and the said
name is not displayed but the cell reference (row & col no) only has been
displayed. Is it possible to amend the formula /code to make it display the
exact contents of the formula (name given to the cell) rather than the cell
reference wherever the formula contains names. i.e instead of =L122*L119/1000
the formula should show -26.93*_36347/1000

range address?

Third, according the XL VBA help, NoteText returns at the most 255
characters at a time. It is the developer's responsibility to loop and
(re)create the complete note.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

In article .com,
I've a workbook containing this function. Download my
Excel_Calendar.xls from:

I've named it ShowFormula:

In the same manner I've made a function showing the note in a Cell

The Functions
Public Function ShowFormula(ByRef rngCell As Range) As String
'************************************************* *****************************
' Macro ShowFormula created 2004-08-13 by Nikolai Sandved
' Description: This Function returns the Formula in the input Cell
rngCell as
' text
' Input:
' rngCell - A cell
' Output
' RankStatistical - Formula in the input Cell rngCell as text
'************************************************* *****************************

'** Error Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle

ShowFormula = rngCell.Formula

Exit Function

'** Set the return error objects
MsgBox ("Error code:" & CStr(Err) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Further Description: " & Error$ & Chr(13) _
& "In Custom function ShowFormula")
End Function

Public Function NoteShow(ByRef rngCell As Range) As String
'************************************************* *****************************
' Macro NoteShow created 2004-06-21 by Nikolai Sandved )
' Description: This Function returns the Note in the input Cell rngCell
' Input:
' rngCell - A cell Range
' Output
' ShowNote - Returns the Note as text from the Cell reference given
'************************************************* *****************************

'** Error Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle

'** Define variables
Dim wbm As Workbook 'The active workbook
Dim wsWithNote As Worksheet 'The worksheet with the Note
Dim strWorkbookName As String 'The Workbook with the Note

'** Declare variables
strWorkbookName = Mid(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), _
InStr(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), "[") + 1, _
InStrRev(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), "]") - _
InStr(rngCell.Address(1, 1, 1, 1), "[") - 1)
Set wbm = Workbooks(strWorkbookName)
Set wsWithNote = wbm.Sheets(rngCell.Worksheet.Name)

NoteShow =
Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(wsWithNote.Ran ge(rngCell.Address).NoteText)

Set wsWithNote = Nothing
Set wbm = Nothing

Exit Function

'** Set the return error objects
MsgBox ("Error code:" & CStr(Err) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Further Description: " & Error$ & Chr(13) _
& "In Custom function NoteShow")

Set wsWithNote = Nothing
Set wbm = Nothing

End Function