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keepITcool keepITcool is offline
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Default Row Count in Clipboard

As it can be Cut 12R x 5C as well plus I'm unsure what would appear in
non english Excel...

I DO test there's a SYLK format on the clipboard indicating a range

Could use application.Clipboardformats(xlClipboardFormatBIFF ) as


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"Dana DeLouis" wrote:

Thanks keepITcool !! Very nice. I've always wanted to grab that
string from the clipboard. Great!! :)
I made a small change by using Val, which will just take the leading

If sText Like "Copy *R x *C" Then
v = Split(sText, Space(1))
nRow = Val(v(1))
nCol = Val(v(3))
End If

Instead of:
sTmp = aTmp(UBound(aTmp) - 2)
nRow = Left(sTmp, Len(sTmp) - 1)
sTmp = aTmp(UBound(aTmp))
nCol = Left(sTmp, Len(sTmp) - 1)

Just for my own curiosity, I would be curious to learn if this would
work on the Mac. Just guessing, but my gut feeling is that it would
not work on the Mac. I think the Mac actually puts Excel's copied
data on the Windows Clipboard. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Anyway, thanks again. :)