Hourly calculation
Try Networkdays function in the Analysis ToolPak. This
will return the whole workdays (Monday-Friday) between two
dates. If also can taken into account holidays.
-----Original Message-----
Can somebody help me to get me on track for the
following. To do some
'action-reaction' calculation via a VBA macro I need to
exclude week-end
days/hours out of my result.
Please find below an example with the criteria that
should be taken into
Action date Reaction date Hours without week-end
5/aug/2004 9/aug/2004 ? hours
9/aug/2004 22/jul/2004 ? hours
Conditions to be taken into account a
- VBA macro should exclude week-end days
- Week-end starts Friday after 5.00 o'clock PM and
ends on Monday
08.00 AM
Many thanks for anybody who had already some VBA
experience in this area.