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Check out advanced filter for the populating the second sheet.
there are many ways to populate the second sheet.
a lot of them involve a countif or sumproduct to determine how much data
meets the criteria
Then a rank() is used to determine the order. If there is a "tiebreaker"
method to keep from having identical ranks, a set of lookups based on the
ranking can populate the second sheet
"BEEZ" wrote:

And For the second Sheet if two or more items fall under the same time period
of Days to Completion can it populate a list in order of most urgent to
farthest from completion. Referncing sheet one. Thanx for the tip on no
"datevalue bj"

"bj" wrote:

yes, but you probably do not need the Date value if the cell if formatted as
a date

"BEEZ" wrote:

Hello I am trying to create a 2 or 3 sheet workbook that will let me enter
tasks and dates much like a set up to a gantt chart. with the first sheet.....
Job: Task start date end Date Days to
Submission 08/08/05 08/13/05 47 days to go

For the Days to completion column I am trying to use
=DATEVALUE("11/09/2006")-TODAY()&" days to go" , Is there a way to Vlookup
the "11/09/2006" portion of this formula. From whatever is entered in say
column (C#).

Then on a seperate sheet list Vlookup all the items that are under a
certain number of days left as a priority list to check up the status of