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Darren Hill[_2_] Darren Hill[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 80
Default Rename Batch of Files in VBA

Thanks, this looks very promising.
I obviously have much to learn about using Google as well as VBA :)
"Harald Staff" wrote in message
Hi Darren

Wow. Well, Google would actually help a lot if you broke down the big task
into small definite problems. Ok, first, you rename a file like this:

Sub test()
Name "C:\Temp\MyApp.ini" As "C:\Temp\WifesApp.ini"
End Sub

And here's one among several ways to scan folders and files from a root.
Display the immediate window in the VBE while running it, it shows all
Debug.Print actions. Note also the "*.*" in the file code, change to

to limit to Excel files. Or whatever.

Sub test()
Call LookForDirectories("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users")
End Sub
Sub LookForDirectories(ByVal DirToSearch As String)
Dim counter As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim Directories() As String
Dim Contents As String

counter = 0
DirToSearch = DirToSearch & "\"
Contents = Dir(DirToSearch, vbDirectory)
Do While Contents < ""
If Contents < "." And Contents < ".." Then
If (GetAttr(DirToSearch & Contents) And _
vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
counter% = counter% + 1
ReDim Preserve Directories(counter)
Directories(counter) = DirToSearch & Contents
End If
End If
Contents = Dir
If counter = 0 Then Exit Sub
For i = 1 To counter
Debug.Print "*********************"
Debug.Print "Folder " & Directories(i)
Debug.Print "*********************"
GetFilesInDirectory Directories(i)
LookForDirectories Directories(i)
Next i
End Sub

Sub GetFilesInDirectory(ByVal DirToSearch As String)
Dim NextFile As String
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveSheet
NextFile = Dir(DirToSearch & "\" & "*.*")
Do Until NextFile = ""
Debug.Print "Folder " & DirToSearch, NextFile
NextFile = Dir()
End With
End Sub

HTH. Best wishes Harald
Followup to newsgroup only please

"Darren Hill" skrev i melding
I'm using Excel 2000.
I have a big macro to create - I don't expect the group to do all my

information on how to get started would be good for now.

My goal:
I have a directory ("C:\My Documents\Archive") which contains multiple
subdirectories, each of which contains files to be renamed. Some
subdirectories also have their own subfolders.
Those files whose name starts with the string "File" needs that string
replaced with the folder name. If the file does not start with the

"File", the immediate folder name gets added to the start of the folder
The filelist will include non-Excel files.

I can do the string replacing bit, it's the creating a list of folders

their content files, and then getting the immediate folder and using

rename the files that I have no idea about, and Google isn't helping


Thank in advance.
