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Niek Otten Niek Otten is offline
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Default Turning Calcuation Off Completely

please check your system date
Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel
"Robin Hammond" wrote in message
Here's the problem...

Main routine does this

1. sets calculation to manual, saving old calc state (usually auto)
2. Loops through a region inserting a User Defined Function either cell by
cell as a formula or range by range as an array formula
3. Even though calculation is set to manual, on each insert the UDF

and calculates even though I don't want it to.
4. The UDF is hitting a web server to return a value from a database and

not the quickest thing in the world. It's pretty cool though.
5. Routine completes (slowly because of all the calculations as it goes)
6. Calculation is reset to its old state, and if this was automatic, the

then recalculates all the values even though the udf is not flagged as
volatile and nothing else has changed. If it was manual, I could of course
recalculate at this stage if I needed to.

One problem is that the UDF is in a different addin so I cannot run a

variable and use this as a get out clause when the UDF triggers.

Any ideas anybody on how I can really turn calculation off or restructure
this to avoid a double calculation loop.

Thanks as always,

Robin Hammond