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Need programming PROs help! Quiclk
I have been debugging to see where the value are coming from (3 columns) that
has a zero.
Right now the issue is that in the excel sheet, one set of the rows has null
value/zero, and I dont know what database returns the zero value. Since
there is no documentation, It makes it tuff to locate. Need help quick so any
of you pros that are up to the challange I would really apprecaite it.

Type SortType
Ordered As Integer
SortedA As Integer
SortedD As Integer
End Type
Type ColType
ColNum As Integer
Header As String
MinWidth As Double
End Type
Type ProdType2
ProdName As String
Fiscal As Integer
Detail As Boolean
ProdDet() As String
End Type
Type RptMemberType
Rep() As String
Prods() As ProdType2
Div() As String
Location() As String
End Type
Type RptDataType
Skip As Boolean
Pos As Integer
Rep As String
Loc As String
Div As String
Prod As String
Detail As Boolean
Indent As String
FLY As Double
FTY As Double
FVar As Double
FVarPer As Double
LYM As Double
TYM As Double
MVar As Double
MVarPer As Double
SL As Double
SLVar As Double
SLVarPer As Double
LYNM As Double
AFLY As Integer
AFTY As Integer
AFVar As Integer
AFVP As Double
AMLY As Integer
AMTY As Integer
AMVar As Integer
AMVP As Double
End Type
Type FlashBackType
Mbrs As RptMemberType
Data() As RptDataType
ReportType As Integer
End Type
Public Const MINIMUMINTEGER = 6#
Public Const MINIMUMPERCENT = 5#
Public Const MINIMUMDOUBLE = 7.5
Const SPACES = " "
Dim lstMyProds() As String
Public intFlashLevel As Integer
Public ReportMembers As RptMemberType
Public ReportData() As RptDataType
Public Flashback() As FlashBackType
Public gstrMyMeasure As String
Public gstrMyScenario As String
Public gstrMyCompany As String
Public gstrMyManager As String
Public gintMyCompany As Integer
Public blnPMReport As Boolean
Public gintReportType As Integer
Public gintLastRow As Integer
Public gstrTYMonth As String
Public gstrLYMonth As String
Public gstrLYNextMonth As String
Public shtD As Worksheet
Public shtA As Worksheet
Public shtX As Worksheet
Public shtS As Worksheet
Dim lstReps() As SortType
Dim lstLocs() As SortType
Dim lstDivs() As SortType
Dim lstPrds() As SortType
Public arrMeasures() As Integer
Dim intLastSortRow As Integer
Dim intSortDat As Integer
Public gintOriginalReportType As Integer
Public blnDivisionLevel As Boolean
Public strDetailHeader As String
Sub GetSortMemberLists()
Dim i, J, k, L As Integer
Set shtS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("shtSort")
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Rep)
ReDim lstReps(J)
If J 1 Then
L = J - 1
For i = 1 To L
lstReps(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Rep(i)
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(L)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To L
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstReps(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To L
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstReps(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstReps(J).Ordered = J
lstReps(J).SortedA = J
lstReps(J).SortedD = J
lstReps(1).Ordered = 1
lstReps(1).SortedA = 1
lstReps(1).SortedD = 1
End If
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Location)
ReDim lstLocs(J)
If J 1 Then
For i = 1 To J
lstLocs(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Location(i)
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(J)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstLocs(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstLocs(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstLocs(1).Ordered = 1
lstLocs(1).SortedA = 1
lstLocs(1).SortedD = 1
End If
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Div)
ReDim lstDivs(J)
If J 1 Then
For i = 1 To J
lstDivs(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Div(i)
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(J)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstDivs(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstDivs(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstDivs(1).Ordered = 1
lstDivs(1).SortedA = 1
lstDivs(1).SortedD = 1
End If
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Prods)
ReDim lstPrds(J)
If J 1 Then
For i = 1 To J
lstPrds(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdName
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(J)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstPrds(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstPrds(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstPrds(1).Ordered = 1
lstPrds(1).SortedA = 1
lstPrds(1).SortedD = 1
End If

End Sub
Sub GetTopMembers()
Dim i, J, k As Integer
Dim S As Worksheet
Set S = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Connect")
If MyAccess.Prods(1).Access And MyAccess.Prods(2).Access Then
strTopProduct = gconALL_SUPPLIERS
ElseIf MyAccess.Prods(1).Access Then
strTopProduct = MyAccess.Prods(1).Name
strTopProduct = MyAccess.Prods(2).Name
End If
i = 1
S.Cells(1, 2).Value = gstrMyCompany
S.Cells(1, 3).Value = conTIME
S.Cells(1, 4).Value = strTopProduct
S.Cells(1, 5).Value = conMEASURES
S.Cells(1, 6).Value = conSCENARIO
S.Cells(1, 7).Value = conALL_DIVISIONS
S.Cells(1, 8).Value = conLOCATION
Do While ms.Cells(i, 55).Value < ""
S.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = ms.Cells(i, 55).Value
i = i + 1
gblnEssbaseOK = EssbaseSetSheetOptions("Connect", 2, False, "0", True,
False, NO_ACCESS, False)
gblnEssbaseOK = EssbaseRetrieve(gstrAppBusrev, gstrDBBusrev, "Connect", "",
1, False, "GetTopMembers", False)
If gblnEssbaseOK Then
ReDim strTopRep(0)
For J = 2 To i - 1
If InStr(S.Cells(J, 1).Value, " ") < 1 Then
k = k + 1
ReDim Preserve strTopRep(k)
strTopRep(k) = S.Cells(J, 1).Value
End If
Next J
End If
End Sub
Sub RestoreLastReport()
Dim i, J, k, L, M As Integer
With Flashback(intFlashLevel)
gintReportType = .ReportType
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Div)
ReDim ReportMembers.Div(k)
For i = 1 To k
ReportMembers.Div(i) = .Mbrs.Div(i)
Next i
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Location)
ReDim ReportMembers.Location(k)
For i = 1 To k
ReportMembers.Location(i) = .Mbrs.Location(i)
Next i
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Rep)
ReDim ReportMembers.Rep(k)
For i = 1 To k
ReportMembers.Rep(i) = .Mbrs.Rep(i)
Next i
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Prods)
ReDim ReportMembers.Prods(k)
For i = 1 To k
If .Mbrs.Prods(i).Detail Then
J = UBound(.Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdDet)
ReDim ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdDet(J)
For L = 1 To J
ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdDet(L) = .Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdDet(L)
Next L
End If
ReportMembers.Prods(i).Detail = .Mbrs.Prods(i).Detail
ReportMembers.Prods(i).Fiscal = .Mbrs.Prods(i).Fiscal
ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdName = .Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdName
Next i
M = UBound(.Data)
ReDim ReportData(M)
For i = 1 To M
ReportData(i).AFLY = .Data(i).AFLY
ReportData(i).AFTY = .Data(i).AFTY
ReportData(i).AFVar = .Data(i).AFVar
ReportData(i).AFVP = .Data(i).AFVP
ReportData(i).AMLY = .Data(i).AMLY
ReportData(i).AMTY = .Data(i).AMTY
ReportData(i).AMVar = .Data(i).AMVar
ReportData(i).AMVP = .Data(i).AMVP
ReportData(i).Detail = .Data(i).Detail
ReportData(i).Pos = .Data(i).Pos
ReportData(i).Div = .Data(i).Div
ReportData(i).FLY = .Data(i).FLY
ReportData(i).FTY = .Data(i).FTY
ReportData(i).FVar = .Data(i).FVar
ReportData(i).FVarPer = .Data(i).FVarPer
ReportData(i).Indent = .Data(i).Indent
ReportData(i).Loc = .Data(i).Loc
ReportData(i).LYM = .Data(i).LYM
ReportData(i).LYNM = .Data(i).LYNM
ReportData(i).MVar = .Data(i).MVar
ReportData(i).MVarPer = .Data(i).MVarPer
ReportData(i).Prod = .Data(i).Prod
ReportData(i).Rep = .Data(i).Rep
ReportData(i).Skip = .Data(i).Skip
ReportData(i).SL = .Data(i).SL
ReportData(i).SLVar = .Data(i).SLVar
ReportData(i).SLVarPer = .Data(i).SLVarPer
ReportData(i).TYM = .Data(i).TYM
Next i
End With
intFlashLevel = intFlashLevel - 1
ReDim Preserve Flashback(intFlashLevel)
If intFlashLevel = 0 Then
Toolbars("FlashReport").ToolbarButtons(conFLASHBAC K).Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub BackUpCurrentFlashReport()
Dim i, J, k, L, M As Integer
intFlashLevel = intFlashLevel + 1
ReDim Preserve Flashback(intFlashLevel)
With Flashback(intFlashLevel)
.ReportType = gintReportType
k = UBound(ReportMembers.Div)
ReDim .Mbrs.Div(k)
For i = 1 To k
.Mbrs.Div(i) = ReportMembers.Div(i)
Next i
k = UBound(ReportMembers.Location)
ReDim .Mbrs.Location(k)
For i = 1 To k
.Mbrs.Location(i) = ReportMembers.Location(i)
Next i
k = UBound(ReportMembers.Rep)
ReDim .Mbrs.Rep(k)
For i = 1 To k
.Mbrs.Rep(i) = ReportMembers.Rep(i)
Next i
k = UBound(ReportMembers.Prods)
ReDim .Mbrs.Prods(k)
For i = 1 To k
If ReportMembers.Prods(i).Detail Then
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdDet)
ReDim .Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdDet(J)
For L = 1 To J
.Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdDet(L) = ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdDet(L)
Next L
End If
.Mbrs.Prods(i).Detail = ReportMembers.Prods(i).Detail
.Mbrs.Prods(i).Fiscal = ReportMembers.Prods(i).Fiscal
.Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdName = ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdName
Next i
M = UBound(ReportData)
ReDim .Data(M)
For i = 1 To M
.Data(i).AFLY = ReportData(i).AFLY
.Data(i).AFTY = ReportData(i).AFTY
.Data(i).AFVar = ReportData(i).AFVar
.Data(i).AFVP = ReportData(i).AFVP
.Data(i).AMLY = ReportData(i).AMLY
.Data(i).AMTY = ReportData(i).AMTY
.Data(i).AMVar = ReportData(i).AMVar
.Data(i).AMVP = ReportData(i).AMVP
.Data(i).Detail = ReportData(i).Detail
.Data(i).Pos = ReportData(i).Pos
.Data(i).Div = ReportData(i).Div
.Data(i).FLY = ReportData(i).FLY
.Data(i).FTY = ReportData(i).FTY
.Data(i).FVar = ReportData(i).FVar
.Data(i).FVarPer = ReportData(i).FVarPer
.Data(i).Indent = ReportData(i).Indent
.Data(i).Loc = ReportData(i).Loc
.Data(i).LYM = ReportData(i).LYM
.Data(i).LYNM = ReportData(i).LYNM
.Data(i).MVar = ReportData(i).MVar
.Data(i).MVarPer = ReportData(i).MVarPer
.Data(i).Prod = ReportData(i).Prod
.Data(i).Rep = ReportData(i).Rep
.Data(i).Skip = ReportData(i).Skip
.Data(i).SL = ReportData(i).SL
.Data(i).SLVar = ReportData(i).SLVar
.Data(i).SLVarPer = ReportData(i).SLVarPer
.Data(i).TYM = ReportData(i).TYM
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub GetAcctOnlyData()
Dim i, J, k, ii, jj, kk, intRow As Integer
Dim intS, intE, intOffset As Integer
Dim blnFnd, blnProceed As Boolean
Dim strProd As String
Set shtD = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
Set shtA = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("shtAddress")
If blnPMReport Then
shtD.Cells(1, 5).Value = "TYP"
shtD.Cells(1, 6).Value = "LYP"
shtD.Cells(1, 5).Value = "TYC"
shtD.Cells(1, 6).Value = "LYC"
End If
shtD.Cells(1, 7).Value = "TYTD"
shtD.Cells(1, 8).Value = "LYTD"
intRow = 2
blnProceed = False
For i = 1 To UBound(ReportMembers.Rep)
For J = 1 To UBound(ReportMembers.Location)
For k = 1 To UBound(ReportMembers.Div)
For ii = 1 To UBound(ReportMembers.Prods)
If ReportMembers.Prods(ii).Detail Then
For jj = 1 To UBound(ReportMembers.Prods(ii).ProdDet)
shtD.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Rep(i)
shtD.Cells(intRow, 2).Value =
shtD.Cells(intRow, 3).Value = ReportMembers.Div(k)
shtD.Cells(intRow, 4).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 1).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 2).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 3).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 4).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 5).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 6).Value = "D"
shtA.Cells(intRow, 21).Value = i
shtA.Cells(intRow, 22).Value = J
shtA.Cells(intRow, 23).Value = k
shtA.Cells(intRow, 24).Value = ii
intRow = intRow + 1
Next jj
End If
shtD.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Rep(i)
shtD.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = ReportMembers.Location(J)
shtD.Cells(intRow, 3).Value = ReportMembers.Div(k)
shtD.Cells(intRow, 4).Value = ReportMembers.Prods(ii).ProdName
shtA.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = UCase(ReportMembers.Rep(i))
shtA.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = UCase(ReportMembers.Location(J))
shtA.Cells(intRow, 3).Value = UCase(ReportMembers.Div(k))
shtA.Cells(intRow, 4).Value =
shtA.Cells(intRow, 5).Value = ReportMembers.Prods(ii).Fiscal
shtA.Cells(intRow, 6).Value = "M"
shtA.Cells(intRow, 21).Value = i
shtA.Cells(intRow, 22).Value = J
shtA.Cells(intRow, 23).Value = k
shtA.Cells(intRow, 24).Value = ii
intRow = intRow + 1
Next ii
Next k
Next J
Next i
gblnEssbaseOK = EssbaseSetSheetOptions("Data", 1, True, "0", True, False,
"0", True)
gblnEssbaseOK = EssbaseRetrieve(gstrAppAccts, gstrDBAccts, "Data", "", 1,
False, "GetReportData - Get Account Sold Data", False)
If gblnEssbaseOK Then
J = 2
kk = 0
Do While J < intRow + 1
If shtD.Cells(J, 1).Value < "" Then
kk = kk + 1
End If
J = J + 1
ii = 1
k = 0 'Index of ReportData array
ReDim ReportData(kk)
For i = 2 To J
If shtD.Cells(i, 1).Value < "" Then
k = k + 1
blnFnd = False
Do While Not blnFnd
If UCase(shtD.Cells(i, 1).Value) = shtA.Cells(ii, 1).Value
If UCase(shtD.Cells(i, 2).Value) = shtA.Cells(ii,
2).Value Then
If UCase(shtD.Cells(i, 3).Value) = shtA.Cells(ii,
3).Value Then
If UCase(shtD.Cells(i, 4).Value) =
shtA.Cells(ii, 4).Value Then
blnFnd = True
If shtA.Cells(ii, 6).Value = "D" Then
ReportData(k).Detail = True
intOffset = 0
ReportData(k).Detail = False
intOffset = 1
End If
ReportData(k).Pos = ii
J = shtA.Cells(ii, 21).Value
shtS.Cells(k, 1).Value = lstReps(J).Ordered
shtS.Cells(k, 2).Value = lstReps(J).SortedA
shtS.Cells(k, 3).Value = lstReps(J).SortedD
J = shtA.Cells(ii, 22).Value
shtS.Cells(k, 4).Value = lstLocs(J).Ordered
shtS.Cells(k, 5).Value = lstLocs(J).SortedA
shtS.Cells(k, 6).Value = lstLocs(J).SortedD
J = shtA.Cells(ii, 23).Value
shtS.Cells(k, 7).Value = lstDivs(J).Ordered
shtS.Cells(k, 8).Value = lstDivs(J).SortedA
shtS.Cells(k, 9).Value = lstDivs(J).SortedD
J = shtA.Cells(ii, 24).Value
shtS.Cells(k, 10).Value = lstPrds(J).Ordered
* 10 + intOffset
shtS.Cells(k, 11).Value = lstPrds(J).SortedA
* 10 + intOffset
shtS.Cells(k, 12).Value = lstPrds(J).SortedD
* 10 + intOffset
With ReportData(k)
.AMTY = shtD.Cells(i, 5).Value
.AMLY = shtD.Cells(i, 6).Value
.AFTY = shtD.Cells(i, 7).Value
.AFLY = shtD.Cells(i, 8).Value
If .AMTY = 0# And .AMLY = 0# And .AFTY =
0# And .AFLY = 0# Then
.Skip = True

.AMVar = .AMTY - .AMLY
.AFVar = .AFTY - .AFLY
If .AFLY < 0# Then
.AFVP = .AFVar / .AFLY
.AFVP = 0#
End If
If .AMLY < 0# Then
.AMVP = .AMVar / .AMLY
.AMVP = 0#
End If
.Skip = False
.Rep = shtD.Cells(i, 1).Value
.Loc = shtD.Cells(i, 2).Value
.Div = shtD.Cells(i, 3).Value
If .Detail Then
.Prod = " " & shtD.Cells(i,
.Prod = shtD.Cells(i, 4).Value
End If
End If
End With
ii = ii + 1
End If
ii = ii + 1
End If
ii = ii + 1
End If
ii = ii + 1
End If
End If
Next i
blnProceed = True
MsgBox "No Account Sold Data Returned", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "No
End If
End Sub
Sub SendReportDataToFlashReport()
Dim i, J As Integer
Dim intNumReps As Integer
Dim blnDtl As Boolean
Dim strRep As String
Dim blnNext As Boolean
Set rs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FlashReport")
J = 4
blnNext = False
strRep = ""
blnDtl = False
If gintReportType = 1 Then
For i = 1 To UBound(ReportData)
With ReportData(i)
If .Skip = False Then
If .Rep < strRep Then
intNumReps = intNumReps + 1
If intNumReps 1 And gblnBreak Then
rs.Range("A" & CStr(J)).Select
End If
shtA.Cells(J, 10).Value = "REP"
shtA.Cells(J, 11).Value = .Rep
strRep = .Rep
J = J + 1
End If
shtA.Cells(J, 10).Value = "DAT"
rs.Cells(J, 1).Value = .Loc
rs.Cells(J, 2).Value = .Div
rs.Cells(J, 3).Value = .Prod
rs.Cells(J, 4).Value = .FLY
rs.Cells(J, 5).Value = .FTY
rs.Cells(J, 6).Value = .FVar
rs.Cells(J, 7).Value = .FVarPer
rs.Cells(J, 8).Value = .AFLY
rs.Cells(J, 9).Value = .AFTY
rs.Cells(J, 10).Value = .AFVar
rs.Cells(J, 11).Value = .AFVP
rs.Cells(J, 12).Value = .LYM
rs.Cells(J, 13).Value = .TYM
rs.Cells(J, 14).Value = .MVar
rs.Cells(J, 15).Value = .MVarPer
rs.Cells(J, 16).Value = .AMLY
rs.Cells(J, 17).Value = .AMTY
rs.Cells(J, 18).Value = .AMVar
rs.Cells(J, 19).Value = .AMVP


Need programming PROs help! Quiclk
I forgot to mention the variable which had zeroes in them is rs.Cells(J,
18).Value = .AMVar can u tel me the d/b

"TKM" wrote:

I have been debugging to see where the value are coming from (3 columns) that
has a zero.
Right now the issue is that in the excel sheet, one set of the rows has null
value/zero, and I dont know what database returns the zero value. Since
there is no documentation, It makes it tuff to locate. Need help quick so any
of you pros that are up to the challange I would really apprecaite it.

Type SortType
Ordered As Integer
SortedA As Integer
SortedD As Integer
End Type
Type ColType
ColNum As Integer
Header As String
MinWidth As Double
End Type
Type ProdType2
ProdName As String
Fiscal As Integer
Detail As Boolean
ProdDet() As String
End Type
Type RptMemberType
Rep() As String
Prods() As ProdType2
Div() As String
Location() As String
End Type
Type RptDataType
Skip As Boolean
Pos As Integer
Rep As String
Loc As String
Div As String
Prod As String
Detail As Boolean
Indent As String
FLY As Double
FTY As Double
FVar As Double
FVarPer As Double
LYM As Double
TYM As Double
MVar As Double
MVarPer As Double
SL As Double
SLVar As Double
SLVarPer As Double
LYNM As Double
AFLY As Integer
AFTY As Integer
AFVar As Integer
AFVP As Double
AMLY As Integer
AMTY As Integer
AMVar As Integer
AMVP As Double
End Type
Type FlashBackType
Mbrs As RptMemberType
Data() As RptDataType
ReportType As Integer
End Type
Public Const MINIMUMINTEGER = 6#
Public Const MINIMUMPERCENT = 5#
Public Const MINIMUMDOUBLE = 7.5
Const SPACES = " "
Dim lstMyProds() As String
Public intFlashLevel As Integer
Public ReportMembers As RptMemberType
Public ReportData() As RptDataType
Public Flashback() As FlashBackType
Public gstrMyMeasure As String
Public gstrMyScenario As String
Public gstrMyCompany As String
Public gstrMyManager As String
Public gintMyCompany As Integer
Public blnPMReport As Boolean
Public gintReportType As Integer
Public gintLastRow As Integer
Public gstrTYMonth As String
Public gstrLYMonth As String
Public gstrLYNextMonth As String
Public shtD As Worksheet
Public shtA As Worksheet
Public shtX As Worksheet
Public shtS As Worksheet
Dim lstReps() As SortType
Dim lstLocs() As SortType
Dim lstDivs() As SortType
Dim lstPrds() As SortType
Public arrMeasures() As Integer
Dim intLastSortRow As Integer
Dim intSortDat As Integer
Public gintOriginalReportType As Integer
Public blnDivisionLevel As Boolean
Public strDetailHeader As String
Sub GetSortMemberLists()
Dim i, J, k, L As Integer
Set shtS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("shtSort")
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Rep)
ReDim lstReps(J)
If J 1 Then
L = J - 1
For i = 1 To L
lstReps(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Rep(i)
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(L)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To L
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstReps(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To L
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstReps(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstReps(J).Ordered = J
lstReps(J).SortedA = J
lstReps(J).SortedD = J
lstReps(1).Ordered = 1
lstReps(1).SortedA = 1
lstReps(1).SortedD = 1
End If
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Location)
ReDim lstLocs(J)
If J 1 Then
For i = 1 To J
lstLocs(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Location(i)
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(J)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstLocs(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstLocs(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstLocs(1).Ordered = 1
lstLocs(1).SortedA = 1
lstLocs(1).SortedD = 1
End If
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Div)
ReDim lstDivs(J)
If J 1 Then
For i = 1 To J
lstDivs(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Div(i)
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(J)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstDivs(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstDivs(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstDivs(1).Ordered = 1
lstDivs(1).SortedA = 1
lstDivs(1).SortedD = 1
End If
J = UBound(ReportMembers.Prods)
ReDim lstPrds(J)
If J 1 Then
For i = 1 To J
lstPrds(i).Ordered = i
shtS.Cells(i, 1).Value = ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdName
shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value = i
Next i
shtS.Range("A1:B" & CStr(J)).Select
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstPrds(k).SortedA = i
Next i
selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlNo, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
For i = 1 To J
k = shtS.Cells(i, 2).Value
lstPrds(k).SortedD = i
Next i
lstPrds(1).Ordered = 1
lstPrds(1).SortedA = 1
lstPrds(1).SortedD = 1
End If

End Sub
Sub GetTopMembers()
Dim i, J, k As Integer
Dim S As Worksheet
Set S = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Connect")
If MyAccess.Prods(1).Access And MyAccess.Prods(2).Access Then
strTopProduct = gconALL_SUPPLIERS
ElseIf MyAccess.Prods(1).Access Then
strTopProduct = MyAccess.Prods(1).Name
strTopProduct = MyAccess.Prods(2).Name
End If
i = 1
S.Cells(1, 2).Value = gstrMyCompany
S.Cells(1, 3).Value = conTIME
S.Cells(1, 4).Value = strTopProduct
S.Cells(1, 5).Value = conMEASURES
S.Cells(1, 6).Value = conSCENARIO
S.Cells(1, 7).Value = conALL_DIVISIONS
S.Cells(1, 8).Value = conLOCATION
Do While ms.Cells(i, 55).Value < ""
S.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = ms.Cells(i, 55).Value
i = i + 1
gblnEssbaseOK = EssbaseSetSheetOptions("Connect", 2, False, "0", True,
False, NO_ACCESS, False)
gblnEssbaseOK = EssbaseRetrieve(gstrAppBusrev, gstrDBBusrev, "Connect", "",
1, False, "GetTopMembers", False)
If gblnEssbaseOK Then
ReDim strTopRep(0)
For J = 2 To i - 1
If InStr(S.Cells(J, 1).Value, " ") < 1 Then
k = k + 1
ReDim Preserve strTopRep(k)
strTopRep(k) = S.Cells(J, 1).Value
End If
Next J
End If
End Sub
Sub RestoreLastReport()
Dim i, J, k, L, M As Integer
With Flashback(intFlashLevel)
gintReportType = .ReportType
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Div)
ReDim ReportMembers.Div(k)
For i = 1 To k
ReportMembers.Div(i) = .Mbrs.Div(i)
Next i
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Location)
ReDim ReportMembers.Location(k)
For i = 1 To k
ReportMembers.Location(i) = .Mbrs.Location(i)
Next i
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Rep)
ReDim ReportMembers.Rep(k)
For i = 1 To k
ReportMembers.Rep(i) = .Mbrs.Rep(i)
Next i
k = UBound(.Mbrs.Prods)
ReDim ReportMembers.Prods(k)
For i = 1 To k
If .Mbrs.Prods(i).Detail Then
J = UBound(.Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdDet)
ReDim ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdDet(J)
For L = 1 To J
ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdDet(L) = .Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdDet(L)
Next L
End If
ReportMembers.Prods(i).Detail = .Mbrs.Prods(i).Detail
ReportMembers.Prods(i).Fiscal = .Mbrs.Prods(i).Fiscal
ReportMembers.Prods(i).ProdName = .Mbrs.Prods(i).ProdName
Next i
M = UBound(.Data)
ReDim ReportData(M)
For i = 1 To M
ReportData(i).AFLY = .Data(i).AFLY
ReportData(i).AFTY = .Data(i).AFTY
ReportData(i).AFVar = .Data(i).AFVar
ReportData(i).AFVP = .Data(i).AFVP
ReportData(i).AMLY = .Data(i).AMLY
ReportData(i).AMTY = .Data(i).AMTY
ReportData(i).AMVar = .Data(i).AMVar
ReportData(i).AMVP = .Data(i).AMVP
ReportData(i).Detail = .Data(i).Detail

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