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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Posts: 44
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50 series
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not adjacent rows
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is the same
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple different
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #2   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 179
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50 series
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not adjacent rows
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is the same
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple different
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #3   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's data and
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each individual has
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns that
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order, but
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a new
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name). My
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly workbook by
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges that
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow implement copy
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the macros
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type method for
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a web site
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not adjacent
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is the same
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #4   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 179
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight:

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's data and
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each individual has
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns that
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order, but
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a new
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name). My
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly workbook by
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges that
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow implement copy
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the macros
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type method for
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a web site
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not adjacent
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is the same
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #5   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The reason that
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the "source"
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is forwarded
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is compiled
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working on
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target" file
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique name
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would that be
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the "target"
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date based
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file name).
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your thoughts?
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention as the
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the overall
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that would
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What I am
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly how
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work, it will
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is greatly

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's data
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each individual
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order,
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name). My
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly workbook
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow implement
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type method
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a web
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not adjacent
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is the
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #6   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 179
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Jack

ok, I put together a sub and i found a sub on google which helps me find
named ranges.

What you have to do is following:
- Put both files in the same folder
- make a button in Target on sheet targetsheet (name can vary, but it needs
to be changed in the vba code)
- copy the button-sub below into the click event of the button
- copy the function below beneath the click event
(i found the function by googling, and just tweaked it a little)
- change the name of the workbook in the VBA code to the one you want
- enter the unique names for your columns starting in B1 and proceeding to
the right
- click the button

Sub for the button
Dim awb As Workbook
Dim row As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim rngStr As String

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
row = awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
'set date in first column of last row
awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value = Format(Now(),

a = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\source.xls" 'change the name of the workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(a)


With awb.Worksheets("targetsheet")
For i = 2 To .Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
rngStr = NamedRangeExists(.Cells(1, i).Value, wb.Name)
If rngStr < "" Then
.Cells(row, i).Value = rngStr
End If
Next i
End With

Set wb = Nothing

End Sub
function to copy
Function NamedRangeExists(strName As String, _
Optional wbName As String) As String
'Declare variables
Dim rngTest As Range, i As Long

'Set workbook name if not set in function, as default/activebook
If wbName = vbNullString Then wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

With Workbooks(wbName)
On Error Resume Next

'Loop through all sheets in workbook. In VBA, you MUST specify
' the worksheet name which the named range is found on. Using
' Named Ranges in worksheet functions DO work across sheets
' without explicit reference.
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count Step 1

'Try to set our variable as the named range.
Set rngTest = .Sheets(i).Range(strName)

'If there is no error then the name exists.
If Err = 0 Then

'Set the function to TRUE & exit
NamedRangeExists = rngTest
Exit Function
'Clear the error

End If

Next i

End With

End Function

hope that gets you started. otherwise just post again.


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The reason that
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the "source"
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is forwarded
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is compiled
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working on
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target" file
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique name
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would that be
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the "target"
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date based
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file name).
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your thoughts?
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention as the
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the overall
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that would
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What I am
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly how
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work, it will
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is greatly

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's data
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each individual
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order,
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name). My
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly workbook
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow implement
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type method
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a web
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not adjacent
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is the
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #7   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Carlo,
Thanks for your work and this will give me a real good start. I'm starting
now to put it together and will let you know how well I do.
Thanks again

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, I put together a sub and i found a sub on google which helps me find
named ranges.

What you have to do is following:
- Put both files in the same folder
- make a button in Target on sheet targetsheet (name can vary, but it
to be changed in the vba code)
- copy the button-sub below into the click event of the button
- copy the function below beneath the click event
(i found the function by googling, and just tweaked it a little)
- change the name of the workbook in the VBA code to the one you want
- enter the unique names for your columns starting in B1 and proceeding to
the right
- click the button

Sub for the button
Dim awb As Workbook
Dim row As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim rngStr As String

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
row = awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
'set date in first column of last row
awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value = Format(Now(),

a = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\source.xls" 'change the name of the workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(a)


With awb.Worksheets("targetsheet")
For i = 2 To .Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
rngStr = NamedRangeExists(.Cells(1, i).Value, wb.Name)
If rngStr < "" Then
.Cells(row, i).Value = rngStr
End If
Next i
End With

Set wb = Nothing

End Sub
function to copy
Function NamedRangeExists(strName As String, _
Optional wbName As String) As String
'Declare variables
Dim rngTest As Range, i As Long

'Set workbook name if not set in function, as default/activebook
If wbName = vbNullString Then wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

With Workbooks(wbName)
On Error Resume Next

'Loop through all sheets in workbook. In VBA, you MUST specify
' the worksheet name which the named range is found on. Using
' Named Ranges in worksheet functions DO work across sheets
' without explicit reference.
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count Step 1

'Try to set our variable as the named range.
Set rngTest = .Sheets(i).Range(strName)

'If there is no error then the name exists.
If Err = 0 Then

'Set the function to TRUE & exit
NamedRangeExists = rngTest
Exit Function
'Clear the error

End If

Next i

End With

End Function

hope that gets you started. otherwise just post again.


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The reason
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is compiled
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working on
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target" file
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would that
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file name).
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your thoughts?
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention as
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the overall
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What I
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work, it
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is greatly

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order,
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond
with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name).
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #8   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Carlo,
I'm starting to work thru what you have me started on and need additional
Is the statement: awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value =
Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
supposed to put the current date in worksheet last row, first column? If
so, it doesn't seem work.

I've named each of the approximately 50 horizontal ranges in the "source"
worksheet that are to be pasted into the "target" worksheet. These need to
be pasted in as a vertical range, so I realize that I will need to use the
transpose function as part of the paste operation. How do I go about pasting
these ranges into the "target" each week based on a week ending date from
the "source"? The dates are already setup in the left column rows of the
"target" and the columns are the "clock" designation. I think I can use a
forumla such as:
to establish each paste location for each range from the "source". I hope
this sounds logical.
I'm not understanding how the NamedRangeExists function works to paste the
"source" range data into the "target".

How do I get the new name for the "source" into the VBA? The "source" file
name does change each week by the week ending date placed in the file name.
I think that will be a request of info from the user.
Thanks..... Jack

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, I put together a sub and i found a sub on google which helps me find
named ranges.

What you have to do is following:
- Put both files in the same folder
- make a button in Target on sheet targetsheet (name can vary, but it
to be changed in the vba code)
- copy the button-sub below into the click event of the button
- copy the function below beneath the click event
(i found the function by googling, and just tweaked it a little)
- change the name of the workbook in the VBA code to the one you want
- enter the unique names for your columns starting in B1 and proceeding to
the right
- click the button

Sub for the button
Dim awb As Workbook
Dim row As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim rngStr As String

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
row = awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
'set date in first column of last row
awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value = Format(Now(),

a = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\source.xls" 'change the name of the workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(a)


With awb.Worksheets("targetsheet")
For i = 2 To .Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
rngStr = NamedRangeExists(.Cells(1, i).Value, wb.Name)
If rngStr < "" Then
.Cells(row, i).Value = rngStr
End If
Next i
End With

Set wb = Nothing

End Sub
function to copy
Function NamedRangeExists(strName As String, _
Optional wbName As String) As String
'Declare variables
Dim rngTest As Range, i As Long

'Set workbook name if not set in function, as default/activebook
If wbName = vbNullString Then wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

With Workbooks(wbName)
On Error Resume Next

'Loop through all sheets in workbook. In VBA, you MUST specify
' the worksheet name which the named range is found on. Using
' Named Ranges in worksheet functions DO work across sheets
' without explicit reference.
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count Step 1

'Try to set our variable as the named range.
Set rngTest = .Sheets(i).Range(strName)

'If there is no error then the name exists.
If Err = 0 Then

'Set the function to TRUE & exit
NamedRangeExists = rngTest
Exit Function
'Clear the error

End If

Next i

End With

End Function

hope that gets you started. otherwise just post again.


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The reason
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is compiled
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working on
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target" file
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would that
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file name).
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your thoughts?
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention as
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the overall
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What I
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work, it
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is greatly

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order,
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond
with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name).
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #9   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 179
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Jack

concerning your first question, yes the statement should put the date in
the last row of the first column. How does it not work, is there an error,
or just no output, or the wrong output?

For your second problem:
I didn't realize, that your ranges contain more than one cell. Would it
be possible to send me a testworkbook with the marked ranges? so
that i can see how your ranges are built up? Otherwise it is kind of
hard for me to figure out how to place them in the "target" sheet.
My mail is (replace xxx with my name)

It won't be necessary to use any worksheet functions because we
are using VBA for all these procedures.

If the name of the sheet follows a certain pattern, then it should be
no problem to code it, otherwise we need input by the user. e.g. if
it is always the sunday date, no problem, but if it can differ depending
on holidays and such, it gets a lot harder.

Hope to hear from you


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
I'm starting to work thru what you have me started on and need additional
Is the statement: awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value =
Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
supposed to put the current date in worksheet last row, first column? If
so, it doesn't seem work.

I've named each of the approximately 50 horizontal ranges in the "source"
worksheet that are to be pasted into the "target" worksheet. These need to
be pasted in as a vertical range, so I realize that I will need to use the
transpose function as part of the paste operation. How do I go about pasting
these ranges into the "target" each week based on a week ending date from
the "source"? The dates are already setup in the left column rows of the
"target" and the columns are the "clock" designation. I think I can use a
forumla such as:
to establish each paste location for each range from the "source". I hope
this sounds logical.
I'm not understanding how the NamedRangeExists function works to paste the
"source" range data into the "target".

How do I get the new name for the "source" into the VBA? The "source" file
name does change each week by the week ending date placed in the file name.
I think that will be a request of info from the user.
Thanks..... Jack

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, I put together a sub and i found a sub on google which helps me find
named ranges.

What you have to do is following:
- Put both files in the same folder
- make a button in Target on sheet targetsheet (name can vary, but it
to be changed in the vba code)
- copy the button-sub below into the click event of the button
- copy the function below beneath the click event
(i found the function by googling, and just tweaked it a little)
- change the name of the workbook in the VBA code to the one you want
- enter the unique names for your columns starting in B1 and proceeding to
the right
- click the button

Sub for the button
Dim awb As Workbook
Dim row As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim rngStr As String

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
row = awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
'set date in first column of last row
awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value = Format(Now(),

a = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\source.xls" 'change the name of the workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(a)


With awb.Worksheets("targetsheet")
For i = 2 To .Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
rngStr = NamedRangeExists(.Cells(1, i).Value, wb.Name)
If rngStr < "" Then
.Cells(row, i).Value = rngStr
End If
Next i
End With

Set wb = Nothing

End Sub
function to copy
Function NamedRangeExists(strName As String, _
Optional wbName As String) As String
'Declare variables
Dim rngTest As Range, i As Long

'Set workbook name if not set in function, as default/activebook
If wbName = vbNullString Then wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

With Workbooks(wbName)
On Error Resume Next

'Loop through all sheets in workbook. In VBA, you MUST specify
' the worksheet name which the named range is found on. Using
' Named Ranges in worksheet functions DO work across sheets
' without explicit reference.
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count Step 1

'Try to set our variable as the named range.
Set rngTest = .Sheets(i).Range(strName)

'If there is no error then the name exists.
If Err = 0 Then

'Set the function to TRUE & exit
NamedRangeExists = rngTest
Exit Function
'Clear the error

End If

Next i

End With

End Function

hope that gets you started. otherwise just post again.


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The reason
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is compiled
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working on
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target" file
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would that
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file name).
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your thoughts?
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention as
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the overall
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What I
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work, it
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is greatly

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50 columns
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set order,
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond
with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name).
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named ranges
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all the
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so far!

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx 50
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would be

  #10   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Carlo,
I'm not sure why the code is not working, but it is not putting the date in
the last row of the first column.
I tried the statements in a new blank workbook and it didn't put the date in
there either. I tried to figure it out without success.

The "source" worksheet name will always contain a week ending date of
Saturday of each week. As an example: wk ending 10-13-07.xls. I'm glad to
hear that there shouldn't be a problem coding it.

I'll send you the "source" testworkbook and the "target" testworkbook to
show the layout I'm working with. As there is confidential info in each,
I'll have to clean them before sending them just to show layout only.
I'll try to get them to you in the next couple of days.
Thanks again for your help.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

concerning your first question, yes the statement should put the date in
the last row of the first column. How does it not work, is there an error,
or just no output, or the wrong output?

For your second problem:
I didn't realize, that your ranges contain more than one cell. Would it
be possible to send me a testworkbook with the marked ranges? so
that i can see how your ranges are built up? Otherwise it is kind of
hard for me to figure out how to place them in the "target" sheet.
My mail is (replace xxx with my name)

It won't be necessary to use any worksheet functions because we
are using VBA for all these procedures.

If the name of the sheet follows a certain pattern, then it should be
no problem to code it, otherwise we need input by the user. e.g. if
it is always the sunday date, no problem, but if it can differ depending
on holidays and such, it gets a lot harder.

Hope to hear from you


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
I'm starting to work thru what you have me started on and need additional
Is the statement: awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value =
Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
supposed to put the current date in worksheet last row, first column? If
so, it doesn't seem work.

I've named each of the approximately 50 horizontal ranges in the "source"
worksheet that are to be pasted into the "target" worksheet. These need
be pasted in as a vertical range, so I realize that I will need to use
transpose function as part of the paste operation. How do I go about
these ranges into the "target" each week based on a week ending date from
the "source"? The dates are already setup in the left column rows of the
"target" and the columns are the "clock" designation. I think I can use
forumla such as:
to establish each paste location for each range from the "source". I
this sounds logical.
I'm not understanding how the NamedRangeExists function works to paste
"source" range data into the "target".

How do I get the new name for the "source" into the VBA? The "source"
name does change each week by the week ending date placed in the file
I think that will be a request of info from the user.
Thanks..... Jack

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, I put together a sub and i found a sub on google which helps me
named ranges.

What you have to do is following:
- Put both files in the same folder
- make a button in Target on sheet targetsheet (name can vary, but it
to be changed in the vba code)
- copy the button-sub below into the click event of the button
- copy the function below beneath the click event
(i found the function by googling, and just tweaked it a little)
- change the name of the workbook in the VBA code to the one you want
- enter the unique names for your columns starting in B1 and proceeding
the right
- click the button

Sub for the button
Dim awb As Workbook
Dim row As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim rngStr As String

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
row = awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
'set date in first column of last row
awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value = Format(Now(),

a = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\source.xls" 'change the name of the
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(a)


With awb.Worksheets("targetsheet")
For i = 2 To .Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
rngStr = NamedRangeExists(.Cells(1, i).Value, wb.Name)
If rngStr < "" Then
.Cells(row, i).Value = rngStr
End If
Next i
End With

Set wb = Nothing

End Sub
function to copy
Function NamedRangeExists(strName As String, _
Optional wbName As String) As String
'Declare variables
Dim rngTest As Range, i As Long

'Set workbook name if not set in function, as default/activebook
If wbName = vbNullString Then wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

With Workbooks(wbName)
On Error Resume Next

'Loop through all sheets in workbook. In VBA, you MUST specify
' the worksheet name which the named range is found on. Using
' Named Ranges in worksheet functions DO work across sheets
' without explicit reference.
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count Step 1

'Try to set our variable as the named range.
Set rngTest = .Sheets(i).Range(strName)

'If there is no error then the name exists.
If Err = 0 Then

'Set the function to TRUE & exit
NamedRangeExists = rngTest
Exit Function
'Clear the error

End If

Next i

End With

End Function

hope that gets you started. otherwise just post again.


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target"
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work,
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond
with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which
has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name).
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly
setting up a template (for each new weekly workbook) with named
correspond to the named column in target workbook and somehow
/ paste operation. I'm stuck on how to set this up. I think all
should be in the target workbook and would be a "for /next" type
the copy / paste of each of the 50 columns.
Any help / ideas would be appreciated. Perhaps you might know of a
with a similar example that I could review / use.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

could you give some more information like:
- is there a pattern with which you can find the data to copy
- how is the range specified where it needs to be copied to
- and so on

I can't make myself a picture with the information you gave so

Cheers Carlo

"jack" wrote:

I am trying to automate a weekly task of multiple copying approx
of data from one workbook and paste to another workbook (not
or columns). The source workbook file changes each week, but is
format. The target workbook is the same each week with multiple
"paste to" ranges each week.
Any suggestions on how I could implement this automation would

  #11   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 179
Default Automating weeky copy / paste

Hi Jack

Ok, just send me the two sheets, then we are talking about the same issues
and it should be easier to figure out what's not working.

I wait for your Mail


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
I'm not sure why the code is not working, but it is not putting the date in
the last row of the first column.
I tried the statements in a new blank workbook and it didn't put the date in
there either. I tried to figure it out without success.

The "source" worksheet name will always contain a week ending date of
Saturday of each week. As an example: wk ending 10-13-07.xls. I'm glad to
hear that there shouldn't be a problem coding it.

I'll send you the "source" testworkbook and the "target" testworkbook to
show the layout I'm working with. As there is confidential info in each,
I'll have to clean them before sending them just to show layout only.
I'll try to get them to you in the next couple of days.
Thanks again for your help.

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

concerning your first question, yes the statement should put the date in
the last row of the first column. How does it not work, is there an error,
or just no output, or the wrong output?

For your second problem:
I didn't realize, that your ranges contain more than one cell. Would it
be possible to send me a testworkbook with the marked ranges? so
that i can see how your ranges are built up? Otherwise it is kind of
hard for me to figure out how to place them in the "target" sheet.
My mail is (replace xxx with my name)

It won't be necessary to use any worksheet functions because we
are using VBA for all these procedures.

If the name of the sheet follows a certain pattern, then it should be
no problem to code it, otherwise we need input by the user. e.g. if
it is always the sunday date, no problem, but if it can differ depending
on holidays and such, it gets a lot harder.

Hope to hear from you


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
I'm starting to work thru what you have me started on and need additional
Is the statement: awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value =
Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd")
supposed to put the current date in worksheet last row, first column? If
so, it doesn't seem work.

I've named each of the approximately 50 horizontal ranges in the "source"
worksheet that are to be pasted into the "target" worksheet. These need
be pasted in as a vertical range, so I realize that I will need to use
transpose function as part of the paste operation. How do I go about
these ranges into the "target" each week based on a week ending date from
the "source"? The dates are already setup in the left column rows of the
"target" and the columns are the "clock" designation. I think I can use
forumla such as:
to establish each paste location for each range from the "source". I
this sounds logical.
I'm not understanding how the NamedRangeExists function works to paste
"source" range data into the "target".

How do I get the new name for the "source" into the VBA? The "source"
name does change each week by the week ending date placed in the file
I think that will be a request of info from the user.
Thanks..... Jack

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, I put together a sub and i found a sub on google which helps me
named ranges.

What you have to do is following:
- Put both files in the same folder
- make a button in Target on sheet targetsheet (name can vary, but it
to be changed in the vba code)
- copy the button-sub below into the click event of the button
- copy the function below beneath the click event
(i found the function by googling, and just tweaked it a little)
- change the name of the workbook in the VBA code to the one you want
- enter the unique names for your columns starting in B1 and proceeding
the right
- click the button

Sub for the button
Dim awb As Workbook
Dim row As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim rngStr As String

Set awb = ActiveWorkbook
row = awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
'set date in first column of last row
awb.Worksheets("targetsheet").Cells(row, 1).Value = Format(Now(),

a = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\source.xls" 'change the name of the
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(a)


With awb.Worksheets("targetsheet")
For i = 2 To .Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column
rngStr = NamedRangeExists(.Cells(1, i).Value, wb.Name)
If rngStr < "" Then
.Cells(row, i).Value = rngStr
End If
Next i
End With

Set wb = Nothing

End Sub
function to copy
Function NamedRangeExists(strName As String, _
Optional wbName As String) As String
'Declare variables
Dim rngTest As Range, i As Long

'Set workbook name if not set in function, as default/activebook
If wbName = vbNullString Then wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

With Workbooks(wbName)
On Error Resume Next

'Loop through all sheets in workbook. In VBA, you MUST specify
' the worksheet name which the named range is found on. Using
' Named Ranges in worksheet functions DO work across sheets
' without explicit reference.
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count Step 1

'Try to set our variable as the named range.
Set rngTest = .Sheets(i).Range(strName)

'If there is no error then the name exists.
If Err = 0 Then

'Set the function to TRUE & exit
NamedRangeExists = rngTest
Exit Function
'Clear the error

End If

Next i

End With

End Function

hope that gets you started. otherwise just post again.


"jack" wrote:

Hi Carlo,
You are correct with the routine as you have summarized it. The
the "source" data doesn't go directly into the "target" is that the
file is in a layout that is required by another department and is
to that dept. on a weekly basis. Actually, the "source" file is
from data coming in, on a weekly basis, from approx. 50 different
individuals and automating that maybe another task I might be working
later. Yes, there is only one "source" file each week. The "target"
has weekday rows (with dates) and each column is headed with a unique
or number. I haven't modified those columns with range names. Would
easier to handle? One thought that I had was to do a lookup in the
for the unique name / number column name and find the week ending date
on the "source" file name (with the week ending date in the file
Then mutiple paste the data from "source" file. What are your
I'm still a little lost on how to work it through. I need to make the
interface as user friendly as possible and minimum user intervention
individual that will be using it is somewhat unfamiliar with the
workings of Excel. My thought was one "button" in the "target" that
start a macro asking for the "source" file and go on from there. What
attempting to automate is now all done manually and I'm unsure exactly
long it takes. However, I'm confident that if I can get it to work,
save a lot of time. Your help getting me on the right track is

"Carlo" wrote in message
Hi Jack

ok, let me get this straight

you have one worksheet, let's name it "target"
and one worksheet, let's name it "source"
(is there only one "source" for each week???)

The data in "source" is stored in named ranges.

The data in "target" is in columns which are named
exactly like the ranges in "source"

that's for the facts, now for the routine:
(correct me if I do anything different from what you have planned)

- Open Template "Source"
- Data is entered into "Source"
- "Source" is saved as "Source_WEEKNr"
- Close "Source_WEEKNr"
- Open "Target"
- Find "Source_WEEKNr" via VBA
- Import Ranges into Columns
- Close "Target"

Is that so far correct?

Shouldn't be that big a problem, if you want to do it like
that. But why don't you enter the data directly into "Target"

Give me an answer, and we can work this thing out.


"jack" wrote:

Currently the target workbook is a collected summary of each week's
is set up as a daily record of each individual's data. Each
a daily input by date (daily date row) . There are approx. 50
require data input each week and these columns are not in a set
could be identified with a designated name or number to correspond
with a
range of information from the originating weekly workbook (which
has a
file name each week, containing week ending date in the file name).
thinking was to associate the data from the originating weekly

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Use the Loan Template to calculate bi-weeky payments Maxiemouse Excel Worksheet Functions 1 June 22nd 06 09:25 AM
automating copy and paste Anne Excel Worksheet Functions 2 February 4th 05 10:24 PM

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