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Dave Peterson
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Default Why does macros assigned to a toolbar lose its link when saved

You could look for the old name and reassign the button using the new name:

Option Explicit
Sub testme01()

Dim cBar As CommandBar
Dim ctrl As CommandBarControl
Dim newWkbk As Workbook
Dim newWkbkName As String
Dim oldWkbkName As String
Dim ExclamePos As Long

oldWkbkName = "oldName.xls"
newWkbkName = "newName.xls"

Set newWkbk = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set newWkbk = Workbooks(newWkbkName)
On Error GoTo 0
If newWkbk Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please open the new " & newWkbkName & " file!"
Exit Sub
End If

For Each cBar In Application.CommandBars
For Each ctrl In cBar.Controls
If ctrl.BuiltIn Then
'do nothing
If InStr(1, ctrl.OnAction, oldWkbkName, vbTextCompare) 0 Then
Debug.Print "----" & ctrl.Caption & "----" & vbLf _
& ctrl.OnAction
ExclamePos = InStr(1, ctrl.OnAction, "!")
If ExclamePos 0 Then
ctrl.OnAction = newWkbk.Name _
& Mid(ctrl.OnAction, ExclamePos)
End If
Debug.Print ctrl.OnAction
End If
End If
Next ctrl
Next cBar

End Sub

Elsa wrote:

Thanks for your answer. It is very handy.

I created some custom buttons with the Excel macro facility. I am using
differnt kinds of borders, thus the picture of the border would really be
helpful, instead of displaying 1 Thick Sides 2 Thin Sides

Is there no way of re-assigning the macros to an already existing custom

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

I wouldn't attach the toolbar to the workbook.

I'd build the toolbar on the fly.

Here's how I do it:

If you want to add items to the worksheet menu bar, you can use John
Walkenbach's menumaker:

Elsa wrote:

I have a toolbar attached to my workbook and all the macros are saved in this
particular workbook. When I open this document on another computer it
prompts for the old path. I then have to sit and re-assign each of the
macros to the toolbar.

Is there a way of preventing this?

Help will be much appreciated


Dave Peterson


Dave Peterson