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Wilbur Chua Wilbur Chua is offline
Posts: 47

Hello, it would depend on what kind of rounding off you want.

If you just want to round everything up, CEILING Function is the way to go, for an immediate rounding down, we just use floor.

=CEILING(Number to be rounded off, significance)
=FLOOR(Number to be rounded off, significance)

For both cases, significance just means by what increments do you want this number to be rounded off to.

For the more intuitive function, we can use the ROUND Function in Excel. To use this, we have:

=ROUND(number to be rounded off, how many decimal places you want)

so for the how many decimal places you want, essentially, if you want to round if off to the nearest 10s, you just put there -1, nearest hundreds -2. And if you want more decimal places, then you just put 1, 2,3 so on and so forth.

Hope this helps!